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Archolia Chapter 74 – The Merchant & Knight

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News of Queen Chalyela and Sir Ivan’s betrothal spread fast.
Chalyela celebrated by having a windmill and a watermill built within the kingdom. The kingdom of Archolia was then able to mill and export grains.
However, the biggest improvements to the kingdom came in the form of  walls, built to surround the kingdom, increasing security and adding protection during times of war.
In addition to the walls, two large metal portcullis were built into the walls, separating the inner kingdom from the village and the forest.
While news of the queen and knight’s betrothal spreads, Shopkeeper Percival Payne, begins to feel that it may be time for him to also find a wife. 
He could use assistance in running his business and would not mind eventually having little Percivals running around.
He has set his sights on Huntswoman Felicia, a strong woman whose hunting skills could prove valuable to Percival as the kingdom’s merchant.
Percival has made up his mind that he will seek Felicia as his wife.  For now he heads to the village to purchase items to sell at his stands.
In the village, Percival manages to haggle the shopkeepers until they agree to give him the items he needs at a fair price. 
On the way back to the market, Percival spots his potential spouse standing in town square.
The only obstacle is that she barely even knows that he exists, other than a little friendly conversation from time to time while she visits the marketplace.

“Good day Felicia.  How fare thee?”
“I am well, thank you,” she says, clearly not interested in speaking with him. 

Percival does not pick up on that, because he is blinded by his want for a wife. 
Percival holds out a rose, “For you fair lady!”

Felicia takes it from his hand, but …
…she promptly tosses it to the ground.  “I do not know you enough to accept gifts,” she says.

“You have tossed my heart to the ground,” Percival says, not believing that Felicia would disregard his kindness.
Percival is bold, undeterred by Felicia’s cold attitude.  “I shall set out to make you my wife,” he announces.
“I am not even your friend.  Why would I desire to be your wife?”
“Because I could take care of you.  We would make a good team,” Percival says rationally.
“But what about love?  I do not love you and you do not love me.”
“Not a problem,” Percival says with a smile as if he is selling goods, “ some of the best marriages were not born of love.  Love can come later.”
“I tell you what… promise that you will allow yourself time to get to know me.  You will see that I am a hard worker and I am loyal.  I would make a great husband for you.”
Felicia actually smiles lightly.  “I must be mad for even considering this, but I am getting no younger… Percival, I will take time to know you and consider your offer of marriage.”
Percival and Felicia part ways.  Both of them intrigued about what life would be like for them as man and wife.
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