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Archolia Chapter 82 – The Monarch & Physician

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Chalyela and Ivan arrive at the church.  Despite their wish for a private wedding, there are quite a few people at the sanctuary.  At this point, they do not care.  They are just ready to be man and wife.
The Priest begins, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of the Watcher to join together this man and our beloved Queen in matrimony.”
“If anyone has just cause why this couple may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now.”

Chalyela and Ivan smile knowingly; no one would dare attempt to give reason.
Chalyela places Ivan’s ring on his finger,” With this ring, I thee wed in the name of the Watcher.”
Ivan likewise places Chalyela’s ring on her finger , “With this ring, I thee wed in the name of the Watcher.”
Chalyela and Ivan join in a kiss before the priest has opportunity to instruct them to do so.
After they have parted, he makes his final statement, “I announce that you are man and wife together in the name of the Watcher.”
Chalyela and Ivan stand staring into each other’s eyes long after the priest has excused himself.  “No matter what happens now…this is all that matters,” Chalyela whispers.
Chalyela turns to leave the church.  She is determined to spend her wedding night in peace.  She will commence her damage control in the morning.
Ivan heads to the forest to complete his patrol.  Chalyela runs into Prioress Ermine on her way  to the castle.  “Please follow me your Grace,” she instructs.

“As you wish your majesty.”
“Thank you for coming your Grace.  Knight-Captain Ivan and I have married and I wanted you to add your blessing to our union.”

“Congratulations M’Lady.  I am pleased to hear that two good people shall live out the rest of their days together.”
“Also, there is a bit of a sticky situation that I am dealing with.  I would rather not reveal any details, but I could use some prayer on how to handle that as well.”
“Rest assured that I will spend a great deal of time in prayer over these matters…as well as a prayer that you conceive quickly.”

Chalyela shakes her head in agreement.  “Aye your Grace!  I shall like that.”
“Is there anything else that I can do to assist you in your problem?”

Chalyela appreciates Ermine’s offer, but knows that she would not be very understanding of Kenna’s relationship or situation.  Chalyela decides not to reveal anything to Ermine.
“Thank you for offering your service, but no.  I shall handle this one myself.”
Chalyela is very excited and can hardly contain herself waiting for Ivan to return from his patrol. 
She is so anxious that she decides to seek him out, but as she is ready to leave the castle, he walks through the doors.  “Where are you heading my fair lady?”
Ivan does not give her opportunity to respond.
“You did not have to look for me.  I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.”
With all the dignity that they can muster, in case anyone is watching, they make an effort to contain themselves while they both rush quickly to the stairs.
Ivan hurries to the bed and Chalyela is suddenly very nervous.
“Please give me one moment,” Chalyela begs as Ivan grabs her into his arms.  “I am a bit nervous.”

“Take your time, but I must warn you, I may have a hard time containing myself.”
They undress and slide under the covers.  “I am afraid,” Chalyela confesses under the covers.

“My queen, I would never hurt you,” Ivan promises.  He kisses her on the lips. 
Their kisses become passionate and hungry, until Chalyela is no longer nervous. 
Ivan takes his time and is as gentle as he promised.  They explode while clinging onto each other.
Breathlessly they emerge from under the covers.  Chalyela stares at her new husband and he stares back.  “I love you,” he whispers.
They are both sleepy, but are not ready to go to sleep.
They relax on the bed, reflecting on the passion that they have shared and how it was worth the long wait.
“This is only the beginning my love,” Ivan whispers.

“I hope so my king,” Chalyela says.

“King…” Ivan whispers allowing his new title to roll around on this tongue.

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