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Archolia Chapter 94 – The Knight

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 Ivan returns to the town square once he has rested a bit.  He is ready to spar Lord Jude.
 Ivan’s first move is a whirling take down.  “What speed!”  Lord Jude compliments as he ducks out of Ivan’s reach.
 Ivan fools him with an unexpected blow.  “Wow!  You are even better than I thought!” Jude says as he falls to the ground.
 Ivan raises his sword into a steeled defense move.  Lord Jude comes at him, full force, but Ivan is able to block the effort.
 Ivan uses his firm stance to draw enough power to knock Lord Jude backward.  “Incredible strength!” Jude says very impressed with Ivan’s fighting skills.
 Jude takes a moment to recover before he gets up. 
 As Jude rises off the ground, he is able to land an expected blow.  Ivan is slightly unbalanced, but is able to regain control.
 Ivan and Jude’s swords swing in opposite directions.  Ivan prepares to land a mortal blow that he hopes will end the sparring match.
 He maneuvers with perfect precision and Lord Jude finds himself sailing to the ground once again.
 Jude, the master of recovery, jumps up and lands a quick blow to Ivan’s leg. 
 Ivan falls to the ground. Jude is fast, but not as quick as Ivan.  However, his endurance is unbelievable.  Ivan has exhausted all of his stamina on this tough opponent.  He kneels in defeat.
 “You are even better than I originally thought.  I hope you will consider a membership to our guild,” Jude says.

“You have certainly given me much to think about,” Ivan answers.
 Ivan likes what he has seen so far.  The members of the guild are definitely skilled.  The kingdom might actually benefit from their presence here in Archolia.
 Ivan is on his way to the forest when he spots princess Adela standing very near the judgment zone. “I thought I ordered you not to come to the judgment zone,” Ivan says with concern in his voice.
 “You said not to go to the forest or the mines…” Adela begins,
 “You  said nothing about coming here.”
 “Why would a pretty princess like yourself want to be here where we send bad people?”

“I was curious.  I wanted to see the beast.”

“Please do not come here again!”
 “OK father,” Adela says and walks away to explore another part of the kingdom.  Ivan is not convinced that Adela will stay away.
Ivan heads to the forest for his daily patrol.  With an inquisitive daughter like Princess Adela, he is more determined than ever to keep the kingdom safe.

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