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Archolia Chapter 96 – The Knight

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 Ivan is happy to be back at the castle with his wife in his arms.  He is due to set sail in an attempt to locate the islands of Effenmont and Gastrobury the next morning.
 “I have missed seeing you all day.  What have you been up to?”  Chalyela asks.

“I have been asked to join a Fighter’s Guild.  The leader wants me to train his new trainees.”
 “Never mind that though,” Ivan continues.  “This is for you!”  He says holding out a red rose.
 “Thank you!” Chalyela says very pleased by her gift.
 Chalyela and Ivan share a passionate kiss.
 “I, Knight Captain Ivan, request your presence upstairs,” Ivan says in his formal voice.

“I shall grant your request,” Chalyela says playing along.
 “But what do you want with me upstairs?” Chalyela asks in a seductive voice.

“Well… I believe it tis time that our princess had a sibling.” Ivan answers.
 Upstairs, Ivan and Chalyela cuddle on the bed.  “Promise that you will return to me safely!” Chalyela whispers.

“Of course, I could not bear being away from you.”
 They crawl under the sheets and work on creating an additional heir to the kingdom.
 Ivan beats the sun the next morning.  Chalyela is still sleeping beside him.
 Ivan walks to the docks.  His ship is due to set sail at sunrise.
 Right on schedule, Ivan’s ship with its small crew pulls away from the docks.
 Ivan returns at days end.  He has succeeded in locating the islands of Effenmont and Gastrobury and has introduced himself to the territory leaders.
 Upon his return, Ivan goes straight to the castle to greet his wife.  Chalyela is glad to see that he is home safe from a successful mission.
 Ivan adds their new allies to the tactical map.  Archolia is one territory away from successfully forming treaties with each of their neighboring territories.
 Finally, Ivan visits Lord Jude back at the town square.  “I have made my decision!”  He announces.
 “I do hope that your decision is in our favor.  You have definitely passed the test and Blade Lukas’ improvement after  your training is amazing.  So what have you decided?”
 “I will join your Fighter’s Guild.”
 “Well allow me to officially welcome you to our guild under the title, ‘Defender of the Fighter’s Guild’.” Jude says in a voice that sounds very pleased.
Ivan’s rank is the second highest in the guild.  As a reward, Lord Jude hands him a heirloom piece of armor.  “Wear this with pride.  It has been handed down by my family for generations.  Now it shall go to your family.”

Ivan is honored to be a part of such a gifted group of fighters.

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