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I Stole Evil – Chapter 26

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I left the porch realizing that killing Carmina wouldn’t be easy…

If I made an attempt, didn’t succeed and someone found out, I’d be arrested and my daughter would still be in danger.  Carmina would make sure to go after her to punish me.

Whatever I did would have to be quiet, swift and effective.

With all that Carmina had put me through and taken away from me, the whole idea of trying to kill her should have been easy, but it wasn’t.

It made me wonder how much thought Carmina put into Nick’s death.  Was it premeditated or just something that she did on a whim?  Did she even give it a second thought?

That type of speculation made it incredibly hard to sleep.  I was consumed with what I had to do…

And more than just a little worried that Carmina would go after my daughter in the middle of the night.

I decided that if I was going to kill Carmina, it would have to happen at night.

But, Carmina seemed to be hyper aware of everything I did. 

More than once, I tried to sneak into her room in the dead of night…

…but Carmina never seemed to sleep.

She was always wide awake in her bed, staring at the door with a slight smile on her face, as if she was expecting me. 

“Did you need something?”  She’d ask, as if me standing in her room at such an hour wasn’t unusual.

I never attempted to make up an excuse.  I just turned and left her room quickly; realizing that smothering her in her sleep wouldn’t work.

It had to be obvious to Carmina why I kept coming to her room so late at night…

It occurred to me that my failed attempts at ending her would make her go after my daughter sooner, but then again that wasn’t her style.

No, she would drag this thing along as long as she could, just to torture me.  The idea of being a part of another one of her games made me even more determined to be done with her.

I continued with my murder plans. 

If I couldn’t smother her, I decided I would poison her.   I made sure that I was the one to prepare our food everyday.

But Carmina always chose to eat something else. 

I tried to play it off, but I could see that she wasn’t taking any chances.   Unless I contaminated everything in the refrigerator… poisoning Carmina was not an option. 

So I moved on to another strategy.

It had become hard to hold a knife without thinking about using it on Carmina…

…but I never caught her with her back to me for very long.

The thought of just walking over and getting it over with crossed my mind more than once, but Carmina was younger and faster and there was no way that I would get to her before she stopped me.

Carmina appeared to be amused by the whole idea.

How do you go about ending someone who seemed to already see it coming? 

What were my options… hire someone?

No one that I hired would be able to go through with killing her.

One bat of her eye or a slight smile and she would have them on her side.

She would probably even convince them to go after me or my daughter instead.

What could I do?  How do you destroy evil; drowning, burning, hanging… an accident on an abandoned road?

Was it even possibleto kill someone who was hit by a car as a child and walked away from it completely healed hours later?

I was beginning to think it wasn’t, but I couldn’t give up.

While I was busy trying to solve my Carmina problem…

I made sure to continue checking up on Christina to make sure she was still safe.

For a while she was, but I never relaxed… if I did, I knew that would be the exact moment that Carmina would go after her.

Day after day, I sat in front of Christina’s house for hours at a time; prepared to do anything I could to stop Carmina if she tried to harm her.

After months passed… I guess Carmina grew tired of waiting for me to let my guard down.  I arrived at Christina’s for my usual daily surveillance, when I saw that something wasn’t right… 

Christina’s front doors were wide open and slightly lop-sided, as if someone had kicked them in.


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