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Wallace Family – Day 27.2 (Part 1)

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Reminder: This is my first Sims 4 family, originally posted back in 2015. I’m in the process of moving these posts over from my Tumblr page. See more info here!

Jeff is not next to her when she wakes up the next morning.  Kisha didn’t hear him get up and hopes that he didn’t leave.

He’s in the dining area eating leftovers.

Kisha:  You should have woke me…I would have cooked for you.

Jeffrey:  *pulls Kisha into a hug*  That’s okay…I found something.

Kisha:  Ugh…I’m like the worst hostess in the world.  You sure?  I can scramble some eggs in no time.

Jeffrey:  *kissing*  I’m fine…I promise.

Kisha:  *pulls back* You keep that up and neither of us will make it to work today.

Kisha cooks up some scrambled eggs and toast; still feeling bad that Jeff ended up eating some nasty leftovers.

Jeffrey:  I hope you don’t feel that I…took advantage of the situation last night.

Kisha:  How so?

Jeffrey:  I sensed that you didn’t really want me to leave, but I could have anyway.

Kisha:  I’m glad you didn’t.  Last night was…incredible.

At work, Kisha needs just a little more evidence to go after Leigh and Tess’ vandal.  She analyzes the last few clues in the lab.

She runs into Angela on the way to the crime board.

Angela:  I’ve been seeing a lot less of my neighbor lately… seems that you’ve been really keeping him busy.

Kisha:  Yeah…we’ve been hanging out a lot.

Angela:  I’ve noticed.

Kisha doesn’t really want to discuss the details of her and Jeff’s relationship right now at work and she has the perfect excuse…

Kisha:  I really need to wrap up this case…let’s talk later.

Angela:  Okay…sounds good.

Kisha’s APB leads her to the Newcrest Botanical Garden.  But when she arrives she’s annoyed that she doesn’t see anyone there.

Finally, she spots a teen that fits the description of her suspect perfectly, so she approaches him…

Kisha:  What’s your name son?  And why aren’t you in school?

Rico:  Uh…my name’s Rico…and I uh…my class was supposed to take a field trip… and uh, meet here at the garden.  But I guess I got my days mixed up.  I’ll go to school now!

Kisha:  Don’t even try it!  *pulls out handcuffs* You’re coming with me!

At the station, Kisha takes Rico to the interrogation room…

Kisha:  So, uh, Rico is it?

Rico:  *angry silence*

Kisha:  You think you’re pretty tough, don’t you?

Rico: *more silence*

Kisha:  You really messed up!  You picked the wrong person’s house to vandalize.  You’ve messed with my family.  Do you know how much damage you caused?

Rico is visibly nervous.

Kisha looks over the kid’s record and sees that he’s been in and out of foster care and group homes all of his life. The more she reads, the more she feels sorry for the kid.

Rico tries hard to maintain his tough exterior, but she eventually gets a confession out of him.

As she locks him in one of the holding cells, she really feels bad for him.  This kid needs counseling and a permanent place to live…not jail time.

Kids like Rico really make Kisha’s job tough.  She takes her anger and frustration out on the heavy bag.  There has to be something that she can do to help teens in danger of ending up on the wrong side of a jail cell.

Kisha thinks and punches…punches and thinks until she doesn’t have any energy left to do either.

Kisha decides to have a meeting with the new interim chief, Tommy Coyle, to discuss what could be done to help kids like Rico.

Chief Coyle:  I love the passion that you have for what you do, but we operate on limited resources.  I’m not saying that what you propose can’t be done…I’m just saying that the police department can’t afford to help you do it…at least not right now.

Kisha was hoping for more but doesn’t let the meeting discourage her.

(Generation 2 Chapter Summaries)

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