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Banks Dynasty – Strangerville Side Story (Part 1)

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Several years before Alida Tate is born…

Quincy: *curses under breath* Barely any reception…why the hell am I here?

Quincy: Damn! I’m a looong way from home.

TV News Anchor: Something strange is happening in Strangerville…

TV News Anchor: *continues* Residents suspect that there may be something in the water that’s causing many of their neighbors to walk around in what appears to be a ‘possessed’ state.

Quincy: What the f-?

Quincy: I need to finish whatever this assignment is…and get the hell outta here.

Quincy: *brings water to lips, then pauses* Uh…nah – I don’t think so.

Quincy: *mumbles to self* Great…I get assigned to the middle of the damn desert in a heatwave. *stops suddenly* What the f– are they wearing…colanders?

Quincy: *salute* Greetings ma’am

Curio Shop Lady: Aren’t you precious? I ain’t military. You ain’t gotta salute me…and you damn sure don’t need to call me ma’am.

Quincy: Sorry about that. You think you can tell me what the hell is going on around here?

Curio Shop Lady: You mean with the zombies?

Quincy: Zombies?!

Curio Shop Lady: Well, for lack of a better word…that’s what I’d call ‘em. You seen one yet?

Quincy: No – just heard about it on the news.

Curio Shop Lady: Well, be glad. It’s creepy for sure. My friends and I have our theories about what’s going on. In fact, we wrote a whole book about it. It also contains the history of the town. I can sell you a copy if you want.

Quincy: Uh…yeah. I guess I’ll take one.

Curio Shop Lady: Kay…that’ll be 20 simoles.

Quincy: Twenty simol – *deep sigh* Here you go. For that price…can you at least tell me what there is to do around here?

Curio Shop Lady: There’s a bar across the street. It usually gets pretty crowded with military personnel around this time of day. You should feel right at home.

Quincy: Thanks

Quincy:  *to bartender* Hey man…you think you can tell me what’s happening around here – without hustling me outta twenty simoles?

Bartender: *chuckles* Welcome to Strangerville.  What exactly do you want to know?

Quincy: I heard on the news something about people walking around in a possessed state. You know anything about that?

Bartender: If you’re asking if I’ve seen any of them…then yes. If you’re asking how they got that way…I have no idea.

Quincy: Anything suspicious or unusual happen lately?

Bartender: Well…*hesitates* uh – can I get you anything?

Quincy: Water…sparkling – from a bottle. Nothing from tap, please.

Bartender: *chuckles* So you’re one of them…think there’s something in the water?

Quincy: Hey man…I don’t know what to believe and I’m not taking any chances. Anyway…you were about to tell me something, but stopped.

Bartender: *pours water* All I know for sure is that we had this weird storm…a while back. It caused my plane to crash –

Quincy: The one in that empty field?

George: Yep…that’s mine. I’m George by the way – George Cahill. I live on the lot…built out a home in a basement under the plane. Stop by and see me some time. I have some info that you might be looking for.

Quincy: Yeah…I’ll be sure to do that.

George: In the meantime, the secret lab in the crater might be of interest to you.

Quincy: Secret lab?

Soldier: *sits down* If you want to know about the lab…you need to speak to Sergeant McCollum.

Quincy: And who’s Sergeant McCollum?

Soldier: He’s the uniformed officer over there near the card table. He can give you more insight on the lab.

Quincy: *walks over salutes the sergeant* Greetings Sergeant…my name is Quincy Wade, sir.

Sergeant McCollum: At ease soldier. How may I help you?

Quincy: I was told to talk to you about some secret lab.

Sergeant McCollum: Yes…the one in the crater – out past the airport. It’s a highly restricted area. Not even the military is allowed in…and I’d advise you to stay away as well. Our only job is to protect the citizens of Strangerville from whatever is found in the lab.

Quincy: Sounds a bit counterproductive if we don’t even know what we’re protecting them from…sir.

Sergeant McCollum: *quieted voice* I agree completely, but you didn’t hear that from me. *even quieter voice* And while I can’t advise going there…I hear there’s a breach in the fence and a back door entrance – you know…if anyone happened to find themselves in the area…in about an hour – when there’s less personnel guarding the place.   But…you didn’t hear that from me either *winks*

Quincy: Got’cha…thanks Sergeant.

Killing time…

One hour later…

Quincy: It’s abandoned…what the heck went on here?

Quincy: Didn’t find much, but it’s a start.

Quincy: Now to find one of these so-called ‘possessed people’.

Quincy: Bingo! That didn’t take long. *runs over* Excuse me ma’am…can I ask you a few questions?

Passerby: I wouldn’t do that if I were you!

Possessed woman: *suddenly snaps forward* oUr mOtHeR dResSed iN REd shE iS bEaUtifUl

Quincy: *startled* Yo – what the hell?

Passerby: Told you *keeps walking*

Possessed woman: *completely tweaking out*

Quincy: Uh…yeah – sorry to bother you

Quincy: Now that’s some creepy ish!

Strangerville Short Story – Part Summaries


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