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Banks Dynasty – Day 6 (Part 1)

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We wake up to another very special day. It’s Raul’s birthday! Ms. Fuller wakes up first thing and bakes him a cake. Then it’s time for Raul to blow out his candles.

Ms. Fuller: Claudia…honey – can you please turn that music down for a moment?

Claudia is going through a loud music phase…which is annoying to all of us. She obeys Ms. Fuller though and turns it down. Then we all sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Raul and watch as he blows out his candles.

I throw confetti and Michael shakes a noise maker as Raul ages up to a teen. I walk over to grab a slice of cake, but Ms. Fuller tells me that the cake is for after dinner. That’s a bit disappointing.

I’m not disappointed for long though because Ms. Fuller has cooked another one of her extra special breakfasts. I grab a plate and sit down while Raul’s birthday celebration continues.

Claudia, Michael and I leave for school, but Raul doesn’t start high school until Monday…so he gets to stay home and work on a school project that he never completed.

When we arrive home from school, Ms. Fuller is in another one of her citrus punch making…singing moods. Michael and I exchange knowing looks as we grab a glass of punch. It’s interesting to know that we are in the midst of someone who was once a big star. She doesn’t behave like it…but she definitely sings like it.

Thirty minutes later…it’s time for Michael and I to leave for drama club. Claudia leaves for work soon after us.

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)

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