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Banks Dynasty – Day 6 (Part 2)

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The rain returns as we arrive home. It’s not coming down as hard as it was yesterday, but it’s raining hard enough to threaten to ruin Raul’s now completed project.

Raul heads inside to play video games and I come in to join him. Michael sits down with us, but I can tell that he’d much rather go through his lines for drama club. He has received the role of a bear for our next play and he’s already let me know that he’s very excited about it.

Michael huffs and puffs in annoyance claiming that I’m not taking drama club seriously.

Alida: I just want to play video games right now. We can do our lines later.

Michael gets up from the couch and disappears for a while.

Ms. Fuller gives Raul his birthday gift after we finish our game. It’s not much…a pair of earbuds and some supplies for school…but he seems pretty happy with it.

I don’t see Michael again until story time. I’m sitting there in my pajamas with Ms. Fuller…ready to hear the next adventure – when a big yellow bear enters the room. If I wasn’t so into the story, it would have scared me. It doesn’t take me long to realize it’s Michael.

It doesn’t take Raul long either. Ms. Fuller finally allows us to have a slice of Raul’s birthday cake. As soon as she leaves the room to check on Darwin…Raul starts in on Michael.

Raul: What are you wearing?

Michael: My bear costume. I have to be ready for my role in drama club.

Raul: Why are you always doing the most? You look silly and childish. You’re nuttier than Darwin…and he’s a baby. I bet you have on one of his diapers under there, don’t you?

Michael: *shuddering* I-I’m not w-wearing a d-diaper! I’m going to b-be a b-bear in the play. I-I have to be r-ready.

Raul: Alida’s not dressed up and acting like an idiot all the time. She’s in drama club too.

I can’t take it anymore…

Alida: Shut the hell up Raul! Leave him alone. Why do you always have to be an a**hole?

Raul stares at me and I stare back…my eyes not leaving his face. I’m not about to back down. If it’s a fight he wants…I’m willing to give it, even though he’s a lot bigger than me and I’d probably lose. I can see fear briefly flash across his face…or maybe it’s just shock. Either way…his expression softens the longer I stare.

Raul eventually smiles.

Raul: *chuckles* Dang Alida…I was just kidding. *turns to Michael* You know I was just kidding right.

Michael: *shrugs*

I turn back to my plate and eat the rest of my cake, but it doesn’t quite seem as sweet for some reason. Maybe I’m too mad to really taste it.

Michael somehow manages to eat his cake, working around the suit. Then he gets up and goes into the bathroom. After he’s left the room…

Raul: Why do you always defend him? Is he even worth the effort?

At first I’m not sure of the answer to that myself. Why am I so defensive of Michael? Maybe it’s because he’s not very good at defending himself. With that in mind, I come up with a short simple answer…

Alida: Everyone is worth the effort.

It’s Raul’s turn to shrug. He eats the last bite of cake, gets up and walks into his bedroom. Ms. Fuller enters the room soon after. I help her clean up the dishes, wondering if she overheard my conversation with Raul. As I clean…I wait for her to fuss at me for using a curse word, but she doesn’t.

I finish up and head to my room.

Ms. Fuller: Good night Alida! Thanks for your help.

Alida: You’re welcome mama – I mean…Ms. Fuller. Goodnight!

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)


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