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Banks Dynasty – Strangerville Side Story (Part 2)

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Getting ready for the first day of work…

Quincy: *paranoid* What was that?


Quincy: Let’s get this over with. *heads to work*

After work…

Quincy: Maybe this dude can help me figure some shit out.  *runs over* Hey man…do you know –

Possessed Man: jOin uS cOnsSUmE tHe fRuIt Of ThE MoThER aNd kNoW pEAcE

Quincy: Fruit? Nah bruh…I’m good. Uh…I’ll leave you to it. *walks away*

Quincy: Hey…where’s homegirl who was here yesterday hustling me outta 20 simoles.

Curio Shop Guy: You mean Sara?

Quincy: I didn’t get her name. I had some questions for her.

Curio Shop Guy: Maybe I can help you. Sara and I are colleagues.

Quincy: I went to that abandoned lab yesterday. There’s this sealed security door. Do you happen to know where I can get a key card?

Curio Shop Guy: I can’t help you with that…but we have plenty of other things for sale that may help you with your investigation.

Quincy: *hot, sweaty and frustrated* C’mon dude. I know you know something. You’re not walking around with that colander on your head for nothing!

Curio Shop Guy: *hushed voice* Okay…I might have a key card around here somewhere – but…it’s the only one I have. I can’t give it to you unless I know you’re serious about solving this thing.

Quincy: Oh…I’m serious! I’d do anything to get outta this hot watcher-forsaken town.

Curio Shop Guy: Still, if you can bring me enough evidence that something actually did go wrong in that lab…the key card is yours.

Quincy: Okay, where can I find this evidence?

Curio Shop Guy: You might wanna start at the information center. That’s where all the scientists who used to work there tend to hang out.

Quincy: Information center…got it!

Erwin: When you have the evidence…come back here and ask for Erwin. That’s my name.

Quincy: Okay Erwin…thanks for your help!

A shower and a fresh set of clothes later…

Quincy: *heading to the information center* Damn! Please don’t be possessed…please don’t be possessed!

Quincy: *relieved* You’re like a breeze of cool air in this hot shitty little town.

Pretty Lady: …which happens to be my home.

Quincy: My bad. I think the heat has fried my brain. I didn’t mean any disrespect.

Alice: None taken…it is a little shitty. I’m Alice.

Quincy: Quincy…but you can call me Q?  *detects the hint of a smile* So…Alice, what is there to do around here – like if I wanted to take you out or something?

Alice: Sorry but I don’t date military guys.

Quincy: How do you know that I’m military?

Alice: It’s written all over you.

Quincy: What if I’m not the typical military dude?

Alice: Just saying that makes you typical.

Quincy: *chuckles* You got me there. *pause* Um…I have some investigating to do. I won’t take any more of your time.

Alice: What are you investigating?

Quincy: This whole possession thing. It’s the only reason I’m here.

Alice: Oh…I’m glad someone is finally doing something about it. Good luck with your investigation.

Quincy: Thank you, Alice. It was nice to meet you! *walks away*

Inside the information center…

Quincy: *walks up to random scientist* I was told you could help answer a few questions about the secret lab in the crater.

Scientist: *dismissive tone* Don’t know who told you that…

Quincy: *reads name on badge* Look Casey…I’ve been in the lab. I know something crazy went down because there’s crap all over the place and –

Casey: *suddenly stands up* You’ve been in the lab! *alarmed* But…how did you get past the guards?

Quincy: Never mind how…I need to know what went on there.

Casey: I don’t know anything! I have to go!

Quincy: Okay bruh…thanks for your time. *pats Casey’s shoulder…secretly planting a bug*

Quincy: You’ll tell me what I need to know…one way or the other!

Strangerville Short Story – Part Summaries



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