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Banks Dynasty – Strangerville Side Story (Part 3)

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After work, next day…

Quincy: Let’s see if ole George is at home. *knocks, but there’s no answer* Damn…what now?

Back at the lab…

Quincy: There’s gotta be something I’m missing.  *searches* What are these seed packets doing here?

Quincy: Another seed packet? I think I have all the evidence I need.

Quincy: Hey there! I’m looking for Erwin.

Curio Shop Guy: He has the day off. I’m Kurt.

Quincy: Okay…Kurt. How many people work at this booth?

Kurt: Enough for us to rotate and keep people guessing.

Quincy: Well, I really need to speak to Erwin. He said that if I gathered enough evidence, he’d get me a keycard for the lab.

Kurt: Don’t know why he’d tell you that. Where would he have gotten a keycard?

Quincy: Look Kurt…I don’t wanna be here any more than you want me here. I’m just trying to get shit done and make this town a better place to live. Can you please help me out?

Kurt: Okay, okay. I’ve got it here. I just wanted to make sure you were fully committed.

At the 8 Bells…

Quincy: George…my man! There you are.  I stopped by your place like you asked me to.

George: Yeah…I’ve been here all morning. What can I get you?

Quincy: I’ll take a meat and cheese platter, please.

Quincy: Alice! Nice running into you again.

Alice: Oh…hi Q. How’s the investigation going?

Quincy: I’ve made some progress. I think I’ll have this thing solved in a day or two.

Alice: You know…it’s been real crazy around here. And until now…no one has tried to do anything about it. I’m glad you’re here.

Quincy: Well…I was pretty much dragged here kicking and screaming, but I’m glad I’m here too.

Alice: Oasis Springs…

Quincy: Come again?

Alice: You asked where you could take me out. Oasis Springs is the nearest town…you know, with restaurants and stuff. Maybe we can go…in a day or two, if you can actually get this thing solved.

Quincy: *highly motivated* Bet! I’ll definitely have it solved. See you soon.

Alice: *smiles* Looking forward to it. *walks away*

Back at the lab…

Quincy: Okay…this door is the only thing coming between me and my date with Alice. Let’s do this! *uses keycard* Feels like I just opened up a can of worms…

Quincy: *peeks inside* Hello! Anybody in here? *begins coughing*

Quincy: What’s with all this purple fog? *removes sunglasses to get a better look*

Quincy: Damn! I’m dizzy as hell. What the f – *collapses*

Quincy: *possessed* tHe mOtHEr cALLs ANd I muSt rEspONd

Quincy: *incoherent mumbling*

Quincy: *back to old self* How the heck did I get back out here?

Quincy: The plants are bigger! How? *looks up* What happened to the sky?

Back at home…

Quincy: Oh shiiiiiit!

Strangerville Short Story – Part Summaries




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