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Banks Dynasty – Strangerville Side Story (Part 5)

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The next morning…

Quincy: What the hell?? It’s in the plumbing! *sigh* This is all my fault. Time to fix it…

Quincy: *collects the filter from the mailbox* It’s go time! *travels to the lab*

Quincy: This filter better work… *takes a deep breath and steps into the purple fog*

Deep into the lab…

Quincy: *shocked* What in the entire f – ?

Quincy: Lab notes! I think I can cure them. This better work…this has to work…what if it doesn’t work?

Searching for the infected…

Possessed Lady: aCcEPt heR *gibberish* AnD All wiLL bE wEll *turns and shuffles away*

Quincy: It didn’t work…I can’t believe it didn’t work. What now?

Quincy: *disheartened* I failed! After all of this…I still failed. *strange tickling of the feet* What the? *jumps out of the shower* I can’t believe this…it’s getting worse.

TV Villain: I failed this time, but I’ll keep at it as long as it takes!

TV Villain: I won’t give up! I promise you…I’ll be back!

Quincy: That’s it! I just need to try it a few more times.

Strangerville Short Story – Part Summaries


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