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Banks Dynasty – Day 10

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Mama Nadine wakes us with a song as usual…

Mama Nadine: *from the kitchen* ♫ Each morning I get up I die a little, can barely stand on my feet…
Take a look in the mirror and cry, lord, what you’re doing to me?♪

I change into my school uniform and join her in the kitchen. She pauses long enough to greet me.

Mama Nadine: Good morning Alida.

(Song: Somebody to Love by Queen)

Everyone else wakes up and joins us in the kitchen…fully bringing it to life with Mama Nadine’s beautiful singing voice continuing to soundtrack our lives…

Mama Nadine: *singing* ♪I have spent all my years in believing’ you, but I just can’t get no relief! Looooord, somebody, somebody…ohhh somebody♫

Mama Nadine pauses her song as the kitchen is filled with the usual breakfast chatter. It isn’t until after almost everyone has eaten that she continues to the chorus in a full passionate voice…

Mama Nadine: ♫ Can anybody find me somebody to love?♫

I look over at Mama Nadine…then over to Raul, knowing that her song isn’t doing anything, but putting the idea further into his head to try and find her ex fiancé. Mama Nadine continues singing and cleaning up…while we all gather our things and leave for school.

We finish school for the day. Michael and I hurry home to change and walk back out the door, heading to drama class 30 minutes later. After it’s all said and done…I arrive home in a very bad mood. Not only is it raining again, but I’m feeling very insecure because Michael is the absolute star of the drama club. He can sing, act and dance and our teacher loves him. He is given a very big part in the next play…while I’m been assigned to a nonspeaking background part.

It doesn’t help that as soon as I enter the house, Raul approaches me going on and on about how finding Mama Nadine’s fiancé will be a good thing.

Raul: Have you been really listening to her song choices lately? They’ve all been about love.

Alida: But aren’t like 90% of songs about love?

Raul: That’s not the point. I’m telling you…she’s going to be thrilled if we actually locate this Robert Beasley guy.  It’ll be life changing!

Alida: Maybe…but there’s no guarantee that it’ll be a positive change.

Satisfied and completely obsessed with this fool’s mission…Raul ignores my last reply, grabs his textbook and heads over to the couch.

The whole thing makes me tense and only adds to my anxiety. Blowing bubbles always worked to help pull me out of the dumps when I was a child, so I pull out a bottle and begin to blow…hoping that it helps in the same way that it used to.

It helps for a while, but I begin to feel crappy all over again at dinnertime when Michael enters the room…happily chatting to anyone who will listen about how amazing our drama teacher says he is.

Michael: She said that I’m a gem…didn’t she Alida?!

I stuff food in my mouth to avoid having to answer. It doesn’t deter Michael.

Michael: She also says that once I reach high school…she’s sure I’ll get the lead part in one of our biggest productions. I can’t wait to age up tomorrow!

Everyone sitting at the counter offers Michael congrats…except me who continues to stuff my face.

Despite me eating nonstop the whole time Michael was talking…he still manages to finish before me.

Michael: I have a pretty big part to learn. I think I’ll study my lines!

Michael jumps down from the stool and begins to study his lines beside me…while I sit there wondering if there’s any way I can convince Mama Nadine to let me quit Drama Club. Maybe I can find a part-time job and work instead like Claudia does.

When I finally finish eating…I crank up the radio and begin to dance – hoping to improve my mood. Mama Nadine pulls out a book and begins to read to anyone still in the room. Darwin and Michael sit down immediately. After the story…Michael gets up and begins to dance with me. By this time…I don’t mind because the aggressive strong beat of the music on the hip hop station has actually made me feel better.

A catchy song comes on and Mama Nadine gets up and begins singing along. Micheal is just as shocked as I am.

Michael: You know this song?

Mama Nadine: Yes…it’s actually sampled from a song I used to listen to as a little girl.

Michael: Oh!

Michael and I continue to dance and rap along to the verses while Mama Nadine sings the chorus.  We keep it up until the song ends and it’s time for bed.

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)


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