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Banks Dynasty – Day 11

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It’s Michael’s birthday and he makes sure we all know it.

Michael: *loud announcement* It’s my birthday! It’s my birthday!

Mama Nadine: I know…and we’re all prepared for it. Blow out your candles and don’t forget to make a wish.

Michael: I won’t. My whole life is a wish! *blows out candles and ages up to a teen*

Michael receives a few texts from some of his new drama club friends. He made sure they knew way in advance that his birthday was coming up. After he responds, he puts his phone away, grabs a plate of Mama Nadine’s amazing Eggs Benedict, and sits down on the stool next to me.

We all get ready to leave for school, but Michael gets the day off…so he helps Mama Nadine clean up the kitchen. I can only imagine how he hopes to spend his day off since I didn’t get a chance to ask him.

Hours later, we arrive home from school. I naturally go to my bedroom to look for Michael, but he’s not there this time. It doesn’t take long for me to realize where he is…

…I can hear his loud voice coming from the bathroom as he practices his lines. We have a special dress rehearsal today, so I change into my costume. As I pass the bathroom on my way out the door, I call out to him…

Alida: It’s time to go Mike.

Michael grumbles his dissatisfaction. Finally, he exits the bathroom.

Michael: Ugh! I suck as an actor! I may as well quit now. *follows me out the door*

Despite saying that he sucked as an actor…Michael absolutely shined during the dress rehearsal. But of course, he’s not satisfied.  After returning home…

Michael: *emotional* Alida…I need a moment.

I respect his wishes and leave him alone outside for a while.

Eventually, he comes inside and joins us for a slice of birthday cake.

Mama Nadine: So, how was your birthday today Michael?

Michael: My birthday was fine, but rehearsal could have gone better…much better.

Mama Nadine: I’d bet it was great and you’re just being too hard on yourself.

I don’t say it, but Mama Nadine hit the nail right on the head.

After I finish my slice of cake, I go into my bedroom to do my homework. I realize that I haven’t seen Raul since I got home. I wonder what he’s up to, but I’m almost afraid to go and find out.

Claudia arrives home from work just as I’m putting away my textbook. Due to our age difference, we’ve never been close, but she’s particularly distant as she walks past me to her bed.

Alida: You okay?

Claudia: Not really.

Alida: Want to talk about it?

Claudia: No. I just want to go to bed.

I leave the conversation at that.

I change into my pajamas and leave Claudia and her bad mood in the bedroom.

Michael: Want to watch a movie with me?

I can definitely stand to be entertained.

Alida: Yeah, sure…but I get to choose the movie!

Michael has no objections to that.

Michael and I barely make it through the opening scenes before Raul comes into the room and sits beside me.

Raul: I found him!

Michael: Shhhhh!

Raul: *lowered voice* Well…I found his talent management agency online.

I don’t even have to ask. I know exactly who he’s talking about.

Alida: *whisper* You did? So…what now?

Raul: I sent him an email…pretending to be a client looking for management. Actually, I sent it as you.

I totally forget that Michael is trying to watch a movie.

Alida: *out loud* What! Why?

Michael: Alida…please!

Alida: Sorry Mike. *whisper* Why the hell did you do that?

Raul: Places like that are always looking to manage pretty girls. You’d stand a better chance of setting up a meeting with him than I would.

Alida: *annoyed* Why didn’t you ask me first?

Raul: Because you already told me that you’d help. I didn’t think it was a big deal.

He’s right. I did tell him that I’d help, even though I still don’t think it’s a good idea.

Alida: Okay, okay. If he calls, I’ll try to get him to meet me.

Raul: Thanks Alida! You’re the best. *gets up from the couch and leaves the room*

Michael: What was all that about?

Alida: You don’t even want to know.

Michael: I figured that…

Alida: Why?

Michael: …because Raul is involved.

Michael has a point.

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)


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