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Banks Dynasty – Day 9 (Part 2)

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I go to the basketball court, but I’m not alone for long. After throwing up a few terrible shots, a couple of other people join me on the court…including some low-level celebrity girl who’s having her picture taken by some dude.

I’ve heard that celebrity autographs can sometimes be worth a lot of money, so I decide to take a chance and walk over.

Alida: Hi…uh, I’m a big fan!

It’s a lie. I don’t even know the girl’s name. I guess she can see right through me…

Celebrity Girl: *annoyed* Personal space, please! Can’t you see that I’m in the middle of something?

Alida: Uh, no…it’s looks like you’re just sitting.

Celebrity Girl: Whatever! *calls the other girl over* Venessa…time to eat. I’m starving!

She gets up and walks away with the blue-haired girl.

Celebrity Girl: Don’t you hate how just anybody thinks they can just step up to us?

Venessa: I know right! It’s so annoying.

I’m left standing there feeling stupid with the guy who was taking pictures.

Paparazzi: Don’t take it personal…they can be like that sometimes.

I hear what he’s saying, but I really don’t like anyone making me feel that I’m less than. They did it with mama…I refuse to allow people to do it with me.

Mama Nadine is in the kitchen cooking when I finally return to the house.

Mama Nadine: Just the person I wanted to see. I put some plastic bins in your bedroom. I’d like for you to start packing up all the clothes that you’ve outgrown so we can store them in the garage for now.

It appears as though she never suspected that I was gone.

Alida: Yes ma’am *hurries into the bedroom*

As I finish up the packing, there’s a knock on my bedroom door.

Alida: Come in! *Michael enters the room* Oh…hi Mike.

Michael: Hi… *looks at the plastic bins* What are you doing?

Alida: Mama Nadine wanted me to pack up my old clothes.

Michael: Why?

Alida: I guess because there’s nobody here to wear them right now.

Michael: Oh…

I detect a sadness to Michael’s tone. Suddenly I remember the day I walked into the room and saw him wearing my school uniform skirt. It gives me an idea.

Alida: But…you know what? I might have something here for you to try on. If you want to.

Michael: I do!

I give him one of my previously packed outfits.

Alida: Here…you can change in the closet.

Michael changes and steps out of the closet wearing a purple top and a cute turquoise skirt with jellies to match. He doesn’t seem all that pleased at first.

Michael: Does it look okay?

I get up and walk over…

Alida: It actually looks kind of amazing on you! You know what…I think you should keep it. It’s yours!

His reaction surprises me. Suddenly, a big smile appears on his face. He walks over and pulls me down into the biggest hug.

Michael: *very emotional* Thank you so much! It’s the nicest thing anyone has done for me.

I’m a bit speechless…having no idea that just giving him one of my old outfits would make him so happy.

Michael: *excited* I’ll wear it under my bear costume…and no one will know that I have it on! But…I’ll be very happy underneath!

Alida: Sounds like a plan to me.

Michael changes into his bear costume, and although I can’t see his face…I know that underneath it all – he has a huge smile on his face. Somehow, knowing that makes me smile too.

I leave Michael to his newfound bliss and go into the living room, where Raul is playing a video game.

Raul: *eyes never leaving the game* Hey, you know that stuff we found out on the computer…about Mama Nadine?

Alida: Shhhh…she’s right there in the kitchen!

Raul: *lowers his voice* Oh…right.

Alida: What about it?

Raul: *puts the controller down* You know how we found out about her having a fiancé?

Alida: Yeah

Raul: I think we should find him.

I laugh, thinking Raul is joking.

Raul: No…I’m serious.

Alida: But, why would we do that?

Raul: To find out what happened? Don’t you want to know why they never got married?

Alida: I mean…yeah, but is it really our business?

Raul: Her happiness is our business…if we really care about her.

Alida: Maybe she’s happier without him? Have you ever considered that?

Mama Nadine calls us into the kitchen to eat.

Raul and I grab plates of food and sit down.

Raul: *whispers* Mama Nadine hardly ever leaves the house. I’ve never met any of her friends. Do you really think she’s happy?

Mama Nadine sits down at the counter with her own plate…making the whole conversation with Raul that much more uncomfortable.

Alida: Let’s talk about this later…

Raul: Okay…but admit that I’m right.

Alida: About what?

Raul: …About her being unhappy.

Alida: We don’t know that.

Raul: You’ll help me find him though…right?

Alida: Okay, okay…but just shut up about it for now!

After dinner, Mama Nadine calls me over to give me my birthday gift.

Mama Nadine: It’s not much, but I hope you like it!

I open the box and see that it’s a camera.

Mama Nadine: I couldn’t afford to get a brand new one, but that one was mine and I paid quite a bit for it when it was new. It’s top of the line and I just think you’ll do some great things with it.

Alida: I really like it! Thank you so much!

I give Mama Nadine a big hug…suddenly feeling really bad about scheming with Raul to dig further into her past.

I put my camera away and go into the bathroom to braid my hair and brush my teeth. As I’m rinsing off my toothbrush…I get a call on my cell.

Alida: Hello…

Mechanical Voice: Hello…this is a prepaid collect call from an inmate at the Strangerville Correctional Institute. This call is subject to recording and monitoring. To accept charges, press 1. To refuse…

Before the message can continue…and I hurry and press 1 to accept the call.

Mechanical Voice: You may start the conversation now…

Suddenly I hear my mom’s voice.

Lea: Leelee…are you there?

Alida: I’m here mama.

Lea: Happy birthday baby!

Alida: Thank you…how are you?

Lea: I’m fine. *pause* Did you have a good birthday? I wish I was there.

Alida: I did! Mama Nadine gave me a…

Lea: You call her mama now?

Mama’s voice sounds strange…a little far away and sad.

Alida: I…uh –

Lea: I’m glad. I’m glad she’s taking good care of you. I just want you to be happy.

I’m not sure what to say to that. Luckily mama bails me out from having to come up with something.

Lea: Hey…they only give me a few minutes, so I have to go. I just wanted to hear your voice and to let you know that I love you.

Alida: Love you too mama.

Lea: Bye, bye baby.

Mama hangs up before I can respond, so my goodbye is lost at the end of a dead line.

(Generation 1 Chapter Summaries)



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