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Banks Dynasty – Day 24 (Part 1)

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There’s a knock at the doorway too early in the morning. I climb out of the bed feeling stiff. A new bed is high on my must-buy list. I open the door and see Michael, or Michelle as Michael will soon be known as…standing there.  At first, I’m shocked…I didn’t expect Michael to show up so soon. We stand there staring awkwardly at each other for a few moments. Partially because it’s still early in the morning and our brains haven’t started working yet.

Michael: Hey sis!

I pull Michael into my arms…

Alida: Happy Birthday! I’m so glad to see you!

Michael: Glad to see you too!

After the hug…

Alida: I’m starving…please tell me you brought food!

Michael: Food…why would you need food?

Alida: C’mon…quit playing! I had chips for breakfast and animal crackers for lunch yesterday.

Michael: *chuckles* I have your back! You know I brought food. *turns towards the door* So…this is our new home.

Michael steps through the door before I can offer a warning…

Michael has always been a bit squeamish, so I’m not shocked at the reaction.

Michael: Ewww…this is where we live now?

I pass by on the way to the bathroom…

Alida: It won’t be too bad…once we have money to fix it up.

Michael: But what do we do in the meantime? Ugh…it’s making me itch.

Michael pulls out some of Mama Nadine’s food, which is thankfully still slightly warm. It’s French toast…and I’m thrilled to see it, although it doesn’t show because I’m a bit embarrassed by the condition and Michael’s reaction to our new home. We eat in silence for a while…until I break it.

Alida: I know the house sucks, but we do have something very big to look forward to!

Michael: What’s that?

Alida: Today is the day that we reinvent ourselves! When we go to City Hall to meet with Hali’a to finish your half of the paperwork…we can finally officially change our names. That is…unless you’ve changed your mind.

Michael: Change my mind? A new name is the one thing I’ve looked forward to all of my life!

Alida: Let’s hurry up and eat then…so we can start our new life!

On the way to city hall, Michael gives me some news…

Michael: I decided to sign up with an agency to give this acting thing a try!

Alida: You did?

Michael: Yeah…and I have my first audition tomorrow.  I told them about my background and they have no problem with it. They’ve already agreed to go by my new name!

Alida: I’m so happy for you…

Michael notices my sullen expression…

Michael: Then why don’t you look like it?

Alida: Because I still don’t know what to do with my own life.

Michael: You’ll figure it out sis. I’ll help you…we’ll figure it out together.

We enter the building and go straight to the A.F.I.L. office.

A short time later…Michelle and I emerge from the office with new names. We are now officially known as Michelle Blu and Alida Banks. We run out the building like two happy kids on the way to the playground.

Alida: We don’t have much money now that it’s all gone towards the house…but I’m sure we can scrape up enough to go and celebrate!

I suggest that we go to the 8 Bells Bar. Michelle is all for it!

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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