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Banks Dynasty – Day 24 (Part 2)

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We enter the bar and Michelle goes straight to the jukebox. I take it upon myself to order our celebratory drinks.

I order the cheapest drinks on the menu. Michelle and I sit down at the bar to enjoy them. Suddenly, the bar begins to fill up with guys and ladies from the military.

Michelle: Hey soldier! So…what’s it like to serve our country?

Just like that…Michelle is able to stir up a conversation with a complete stranger. I wish I had that ability.

While Michelle and her new friend sit down at a table to talk…I occupy myself with a lonesome game of foosball.

Michelle doesn’t leave me alone for very long. She joins me for a game and promptly kicks my butt. There just isn’t too much that she isn’t good at.

Foosball doesn’t hold her attention for long.

Michelle: I see somebody that I have to meet.

Once again, Michelle takes off to be the social butterfly that she’s always been.

I’m happy for her though. It’s great to see her beginning to come into her own. Her journey growing up was definitely not easy. I’m thrilled to see her being able to make friends so quickly.

It’s almost time for me to leave for work, so we both head home. I go to take a quick shower, finding it strange that my new job has a dress code that’s not really a dress code. I’m supposed to come to work dressed in regular clothes to help me remain inconspicuous. I have no idea why though, but I don’t really ask a lot of questions. I just show up to work and do as I’m told so I can collect my paycheck every night.

I leave Michelle at home to do whatever she does all day. My shift at work goes just slightly better than it did yesterday. At least I didn’t get in trouble with the boss, but I don’t think my co-workers are very impressed with me.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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