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Banks Dynasty – Day 25 (Part 2)

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As I’m sitting there enjoying the effects of the bubbles, I see Q hurrying by. I’m guessing that he must have been in the restrooms because I didn’t notice him before.

Alida: So…is this where you disappeared to the last time I saw you?

Q pauses for a moment…

Q: Maybe…I come here a lot. *continues heading out the door*

Alida: I’m not sure if you realize it, but we met before. A while back…at a kickboxing gym in Del Sol Valley.

Q: Yeah…I know. I knew as soon as I saw you at the café.

His tone isn’t very pleasant.

Alida: Why didn’t you say anything?

Q: I didn’t want to be bothered. You were rude at the gym that day. It was uncalled for and I just choose to keep people like you at a distance. No drama…no issues.

I know I deserve his harshness because he’s right. All he ever tried to do was be helpful and I totally bit his head off.

This is my chance to apologize. If I don’t take it…I’ll probably never get the chance again.

Alida: I know…and I’ve been looking for you for the past few days because I wanted to apologize. It’s no excuse, but I was having a really bad day when we first met…and I wrongfully took it out on you.

Q’s whole body language changes. He unclenches his jaw and relaxes his shoulders.

Q: I accept your apology.

Alida: I’m Alida, Alida T– uh Banks…by the way. I never got your full name.

Q: *amused tone* Whose fault is that?

Walks closer…

Alida: I know, I know…but I’d like the chance to start over.

Q hesitates as if trying to decide if talking to me will be worth his time. Ultimately, I guess he decides that it is, because he sits down on the pillows next to me.

Q: Q is short for Quincy…Quincy Wade Jr.

Alida: So…you say you come here a lot? I guess you know how to use these bubble blowers without coughing up a lung.

Quincy: *chuckles* Yeah…the key is to take it slow. Inhale the bubble solution…let it marinate a bit…then blow it out in a slow wave of breath.

I follow his instructions and discover that it works perfectly

While I’m talking to Q, Michelle remains close to the jukebox…dancing and making more friends. Eventually, it’s time for her to leave to prepare for her audition. She gives me a quick wave…then heads home to change before leaving for the studio.

I stay at the lounge talking to Q for about an hour before he lets me know that he needs to leave. I step out into the heat, realizing that I’m not properly dressed for it. Michelle and I will probably need a whole new wardrobe if we hope to survive in this desert town.

When I get home, Michelle is there waiting to tell me how the audition went.

Michelle: I did it, Alida! I survived the audition and they chose…me! They actually chose me!

Alida: I’m so happy for you! *gives Michelle a big hug*

I pull out my camera to celebrate the moment with a selfie…

Alida: Promise you won’t forget about me when you blow up Miss Future Accolade winning actress!

Michelle: Never! You’re my sister and best friend for life.

Alida: Say cheese!

Together: Cheese! *camera flash*

I leave for work…then return hours later having made $63 for a full day’s work. It’s not much and there’s no chance for me to get a promotion anytime soon because my work performance is too low. But I have a plan…a plan that I hope will bring in some serious cash. It’s something that I’ll talk to Michelle about tomorrow so that we can put it into action as soon as possible.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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