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Banks Dynasty – Day 26 (Part 1)

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What I thought was an amazing idea last night, doesn’t feel like such a sure thing this morning. I talk myself  out of even mentioning it to Michelle at least 20 times from the time I wake up until I finish breakfast.

Michelle comes out of the bathroom sporting a cute short finger waves style. She does a little dance in front of me…

Michelle: So…how do I look? I shoot my first commercial today and I want to look like I belong there.

Alida: You do belong there…and you look amazing.

Michelle: Then what’s wrong? *sits down on the couch*

Alida: I have a crazy idea I want to talk to you about…

I know Michelle will do her best to hear me out without quick judgment, but I’m still nervous as hell as I attempt to lay out my plan.

Alida: Okay…so *pauses* – you remember that Hali’a at city hall mentioned that A.F.I.L. provides job training?

Michelle: Yeah

Alida: Well, I’m thinking about taking a programming class.

Michelle pauses as if waiting for more…

Michelle: Okay…what’s so crazy about that?

Alida: That’s not the crazy part. The crazy part is what I’m going to do once I become a programmer.

Michelle: Which is?

I take a very deep breath and let it out…

Alida: I want to use the programming skill to start an online charity for foster kids…but the money will actually be going to us.

Michelle: Us? But we’re not foster kids anymore.

Alida: But we were.

Michelle: Yeah, but no one is going to donate money to two grown ass adults.

Michelle: And you said ‘us’. How do I play into this?

Alida: I’ll need your help. I can’t run this thing by myself.

Michelle: *deep sigh* How would we get people to donate?

Alida: We’ll start a site, and we’ll post ourselves as children…you know, using some of the pictures that Mama Nadine took of us while growing up. We might even be able to get pictures of other kids, like Molly and Emily. We post them and play up their story…the money will be rolling in.

Michelle: But we’d be lying and taking money from unsuspecting people.

Alida: Yeah…rich people. We’ll be taking from people who need to give money away. It’s a tax write-off for them, so in a sense…we’ll be doing them a favor.

Michelle: How did you get this idea? You didn’t just come up with this.

Aldia: I got the idea at work…from one of my co-workers. I mentioned that I needed to make some serious cash and he was happy to tell me several ways I could get it.

Michelle: What kind of people do you work with?

I shrug…and basically ignore the question.

Alida: I was planning on signing up for the classes today. So…will you help me with this?

Michelle: I don’t know. This is illegal…and we could go to jail for a long time like –

Michelle catches herself and stops before finishing her statement. I finish it for her…

Alida: – my mother. I thought of that…but we’ll be careful. We’ll target people who live in other countries. They’ll never suspect anything. And when we make enough money…we’ll shut the site down. We won’t get caught…I promise.

Michelle: *another long sigh* Well if we do…maybe we can be prison cellmates.

I know that this is Michelle’s way of agreeing to help me. I chuckle, but it’s an insecure, small sound.

Alida: It won’t come to that.

I silently pray that I’m right.

I take a shower and wash my hair…allowing it to hang slightly wet on my back and shoulders. I’ve found that it’s a good way to combat the heat and I like what it looks like once it dries. I head to city hall and look for Hali’a right away. She’s never very difficult to find…

Hali’a: Alida! Good to see you as always. What can I do for you?

Alida: You mentioned that I could sign up for a programming class.

Hali’a: Yeah…are you interested? You can get started right away.

Alida: I was hoping you’d say that. Who’s the teacher?

Hali’a: It’s an online class *leads me over to a computer*. It’s available 24 hours a day and it’s perfect for those with a busy schedule. You work at your own pace.

Alida: So I can finish it pretty quickly?

Hali’a: That would be up to you. All I have to do is give you the web address and provide you with a log-in. You can go in and create an account…then get started.

Alida: Okay…yeah, let’s do it.

Hali’a does her part quickly. Within minutes, I have a newly created account and I’m set-up to begin learning a new skill. Hali’a stands back and watches to make sure everything is going smoothly. Once she’s sure I’ve got the hang of it, she steps away…

Hali’a: Come find me if you need me.

Alida: Okay, thanks!

I work hard for the first hour. Nothing about is too difficult. All I have to do is put in some silly codes and see if the computer responds the way I need it to.  So far…it has every time. I find that I’m actually good at this.

I’m about an hour and 30 minutes in when some lady approaches me, totally wrecking my flow.

1st lady: There’s a 30-minute limit on the computers.

Alida: Leave me alone! I’m trying to further my education here.

I thought my response was pretty hilarious, but she’s not amused.

1st lady: This is a public computer! It’s not for your own personal use. You need to get off now, please.

I turn my back and continue working.

Alida: Make me.

Another lady steps up next to the first one…

1st lady: *sigh* She won’t get off…

2nd lady: Did you tell her there is an 30-minute limit?

Alida: I can hear you, you know. I’ll get off when I’m done…goodbye!

The 1st lady eventually steps away, but the 2nd lady remains there for a while trying to distract me with her sighs and grunts. I grew up in a house full of kids…she’d have to do a whole lot more than that to bother me. She also gives up after a while.

I wait until I’ve finished up with the very last lesson for level 1 of the programming skill before I finally get up. I’m now at level 2 and very proud of my progress. I step away from the computer and begin to leave, but not before saying one last thing to the ladies waiting for the computer…

Alida: It’s free now, bitches…

1st and 2nd lady: What did she just call us?

The online class and the two ladies honestly have me a bit stressed out, so I head to my happy place.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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