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Banks Dynasty – Day 26 (Part 2)

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The air inside the bubble lounge is at least 10 degrees cooler than the air outside. I can see why people choose to hang out here. I head to the furthest corner of the room, hoping to avoid people for a while. Actually, there’s one person that I wouldn’t mind seeing, but I’d rather stay far away from everyone else.

I decide to try a new flavor on the bubble blower…the Jade Dragon. Somehow…it fits my mood.

Suddenly, the one person that I don’t mind hanging out with is there… he spots me immediately as if he knew of my hiding spot. He walks over and takes a seat. Wordlessly, he grabs a nozzle. I watch him as he expertly inhales the bubble solution and holds it in.

Finally, he blows out the bubbles and speaks…

Quincy: So…you’ve released the dragon, I see.

His statement could mean more than one thing. My body decides to respond to the most inappropriate possibility. I squirm a bit in my seat.

Alida: Huh?

Quincy: Jade Dragon flavor… it’s a strong one.

Of course, he’s talking about the bubble solution…what else would he be referring to?

Alida: Oh yeah…but I can handle it.

Feeling the need to show off, I grab the nozzle and accidentally inhale far too much bubble solution. It goes down the wrong way and I bust out in a coughing fit. Bubbles spew out my mouth and nose in the most unattractive way possible.

Quincy: *concerned* Take it easy, ma…before you hurt yourself.

I try to speak and reassure him that I’m okay, but when I open my mouth…all I can do is cough. He gets up immediately…

Quincy: Let me go and get you something to drink.

He walks away as I try to gather myself. Once I’ve managed to control the coughing, I get up and walk over to him.

Alida: I uh…actually don’t have time for a drink. I have to go.  Maybe next time?

Quincy: Yeah, okay. You know where to find me.

Alida: Thanks anyway…

I walk out the door and head upstairs hating the fact that I have to leave for work. I’d quit my job then and there just to spend more time with him if I could afford to. Then I wonder…where did that thought even come from?

Meanwhile, at Plumbob studios…

Michelle and I come home around the same time. She has had an amazing day at the set and has even been promoted by her agency. I, on the other hand, have made zero progress at work. I hate my job more than ever.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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