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Banks Dynasty – Day 27 (Part 1)

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I feel his warm hands all over my body. They start low and move up slowly. I’m eagerly anticipating where they might go next… Suddenly I sense a bright light shining a bit too warm on my face. The heat wakes me up and I immediately realize that I was dreaming and the warmth I feel is the early morning sun coming through the window. I slowly crawl out the bed…the dream still gripping onto the edges of my memory, making me long for more sleep. I already know there’s no way I’m going in to work today.  The hours are way too long and my body can use the rest.

I go into the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. Michelle joins me. I have a question for her…

Alida: You ever have weird dreams about someone that you’re just friends with?

Michelle: What type of dream?

Alida: You know…um, romantic?

Michelle: *embarrassed* Not about someone that I’m friends with…but –

Alida: Who was it?

Michelle: I don’t want to say.

Alida: Come on…it was just a dream. It doesn’t mean anything.

Michelle: *sighs* Okay, okay…I dreamed about Raul once. It was more scary than anything…now that I think about it. You know I could never stand him…but it happened. And I was embarrassed as hell to face him the next morning. I swear it felt like he could see everything that I had dreamt.

Alida: Raul??

I recall having interesting thoughts about Raul, but I never had a woohoo dream about him.

Michelle: Yeah…and this stays between us.

Alida: Of course…I’ll take it to my grave.

Michelle: So can I assume you’ve been having some spicy dreams about someone?

I suddenly feel like I’m blushing…as I recall some of the details.

Alida: Maybe

Michelle: Don’t maybe me! Who have you been dreaming about?

Alida: My dream was about Q.

Michelle smiles immediately…

Michelle: Ohhhh! Yeah…I don’t blame you for that one. You need to work on that one coming true!

Alida: I don’t know about all that. I have way too much to do. I’m on my way to City Hall now to work on my programming skill.

Michelle: So we’re really going through with this charity thing?

Alida: That’s the plan.

After breakfast, Michelle heads to the shower and I leave for City Hall. I go straight downstairs to the information center and get started on my assignment for the day…create a plug-in. Before too long, I complete the assignment and even earn a bit of money for my efforts. Just as I’m finishing up…I receive a phone call. It’s Q.

Quincy: *on the phone* Hey…Alida. How are you?

Alida: Good…how did you get my cell number?

Quincy: I was on my way to the lounge when I ran into your roommate.

Alida: Michelle gave it to you?

Quincy: Yeah…she told me she was helping you make your dream come true – whatever that means.

I know Q has no idea what Michelle was talking about, but I do and I’m instantly embarrassed.

Alida: *downplays it* Uh…she was just being silly. Anyway…what’s up?

Quincy: I was just about to go workout…and I was wondering if you wanted to join me – that is…if you still like to work out and stuff.

My first thought is to say no. I don’t see how I can even face him without thinking about my dream. But I know Michelle would never let me live it down if I did.

Alida: Yeah…sure, but I need a couple of hours. I was in the middle of something.

Quincy: No problem…I’ll text you the address and see you in a few hours. That okay?

Alida: Sure

I end the call feeling unsure on whether I want to thank or kill Michelle. I get up from the computer and prepare to leave.

As I’m heading towards the stairs, I see one of the ladies who insisted on harassing me on the computer yesterday. She looks over at me, whispers a few words to the librarian on duty…then takes a seat at one of the empty computer stations. The Librarian beckons me over…

I walk over to find out what was just being said…because I’m 100% sure it’s about me.

Alida: Is there a problem?

Librarian: Yeah…I was told that you aren’t respecting the rules about computer usage, and you were hostile towards a few of our patrons yesterday.

Alida: I wouldn’t say I was hostile…

Librarian: But you did curse them out, right?

Alida: Well…sorta.

Librarian: Well, we don’t permit that sort of behavior here, so I’m afraid we’re going to have to ban you from using the information center.

That puts a huge kink in my plans.

Alida: For how long?!

Librarian: Indefinitely…I’m sorry. You need to leave.

Great…now I have to figure out how to get a computer. I turn in a huff and walk away.

I forget about being banned from the information center long enough to focus on meeting up with Q. Michelle is home sitting on the couch when I get there.

Alida: You gave Q my cell number?

Michelle: Yes and you’re welcome.

Alida: He invited me to the gym.

Michelle: Then why are you here talking to me? You’d better go get your man!

I turn and go into the kitchen…

Alida: He’s not my man…and I need to eat first.

Michelle: Whatever…just don’t keep him waiting.

Michelle turns off the TV and goes into the bathroom to rehearse for her next audition in front of the mirror. I make myself…or should I say – mangle a grilled cheese before I head out. I sit down to eat wondering two things…where am I going to get a computer and what the hell am I going to say to Q when I see him?

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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