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Banks Dynasty – Day 27 (Part 2)

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I give the address in the text message from Q to my driver. Within minutes, I’m dropped off at a small building surrounded by the biggest houses and best view that I’ve ever seen. I immediately feel a bit out of place here.

Q is outside waiting for me. I walk over to him, trying desperately to hide my insecurities.

Alida: I didn’t know there was a gym in town.

Quincy: It’s actually a clubhouse for residents of Shady Acres and their guests…but since there’s no other place to work out in town…they’ve become a bit lax on the rules.

Alida: Oh…so you live up here?

Quincy: For now…with my parents. But I’ll be moving out next week. He points into the distance…we live in the white house – just over there.

The house is huge. It might as well be a castle as far as I’m concerned. I never would have guessed that Q came from such a well-off family. I’m amazed that he’d even talk to someone like me.

We enter the building and notice that almost every workout station is being occupied.

Quincy: Wow…I didn’t expect it to be this crowded. They just let anybody in here now.

Yeah…anybody like me, I think to myself.

Quincy: Let’s go see if one of the rock walls are free. They’re out back.

We step outside.

Quincy: Good there’s one there. Want to try it?

I’ve never even seen a rock wall before. I never knew they existed.

Alida: *intimidated* No…I think I’ll just watch for a while.

I expect Q to go to the wall and start climbing, but he doesn’t. Maybe he can sense my discomfort.

It doesn’t take long before someone else walks over to it and begins climbing. We watch for a few minutes before Q comes up with another suggestion.

Quincy: I’m so sorry. I didn’t expect for it to be this crowded.  Maybe we should just sit down and talk.

I actually like that plan. It saves me from the potential embarrassment of trying to use equipment that I’ve never even seen before.

Alida: Sure

Q turns and heads towards a nearby bench. I follow questioning everything. I feel like I have no business being here with him. Surely he invited me because he feels sorry for me or something. Then again, he has no idea who I am or where I came from. Maybe I can just pretend to belong. Isn’t that what changing my name was supposed to be about?

I want to know more about Q. I’m especially curious about his parents and how they can afford to live in one of the biggest houses in town.

Alida: What do your parents do?

Quincy: My parents?

I guess he was expecting me to ask about him…not his parents. He pauses before answering.

Quincy: My dad is an officer in the military. He’s sort of a town hero.

Alida: Really?

Quincy: Yeah…he supposedly saved the town or some shit. It happened long before I was born, so I don’t know too much about it. But people still talk about it from time to time.

Alida: What about your mom?

Quincy: She’s an artist and musician. I can relate to that a lot more than I can being in the military.

Alida: Why?

Quincy: I’m just not into taking orders…or really giving them for that matter. It’s the reason why it’s past time for me to move out. My dad runs the house like it’s some sort of military operation…always talking about being prepared for the worst.

Alida: Where will you go?

Quincy: I found a house in Oasis Springs.  I put down my down payment. I’m just waiting for a few final inspections…then I can move in.

Alida: Oh…

It’s only one word, but it’s loaded. I hate to hear that he’s moving out of town. We sit in silence for a bit, then he says something very unexpected…

Quincy: Hey…let me push you on the swing.

Alida: The swing?

Quincy: Yeah…it’ll be fun.

I walk over a bit reluctantly.

Alida: Is this just an excuse for you to touch my ass? *I take a seat*

Quincy: Well. It wasn’t, but now… *chuckles* just kidding.

I sit and wait for him to begin pushing. After a bit of time passes, I turn to him…

Alida: Are you going to push?

Quincy: I am, but now I’m paranoid that my hands might land in the wrong place.

Alida: Don’t worry about it…I was just messing with you!

Q places his hands at my waist and begins to pull me back towards him. I close my eyes with a sharp intake of breath as his fingers make contact with the bit of skin peeking out from beneath my shirt. It’s like his fingers have their own private pipeline to my senses. I can feel tingles from where they make contact…and it radiates throughout my body. I’d give him permission to touch me anywhere he wanted right now.

But he doesn’t take advantage of that. He remains respectful…making sure to only push from my upper and middle back. I soar in the air as he pushes me higher and higher. From time to time, I catch a glimpse of him as he concentrates on the task like it’s the most important thing in the world. Is it possible to begin to fall for someone on a swing? It just might be…

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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