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Banks Dynasty – Day 27 (Part 3)

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The clubhouse eventually begins to clear up a bit, so we make our way inside. I step up on a treadmill and begin a steady jog, while Q does some sit-ups next to it. When the treadmill next to me becomes unoccupied…Q steps up on it and we race next to each other until I run out of stamina and give up. He’s in such great shape that I’m sure he could have gone on and on…but he quits when I do.

Q asks if I’d like to punch on the heavy bag for a bit and I agree. On the way over, he stops to talk to the guy who just stepped away from it.

Quincy Jr.: Hey pop.

Quincy Sr.: What’s up? You’re here kind of late today.

Quincy Jr.: Yeah…I wanted to bring a friend. This is Alida…Alida, this is my dad, Quincy Sr.

I nod a quick hello and put on my boxing gloves. Quincy Sr. nods in return, but quickly turns back to his son.

Quincy Sr.: Don’t stick around here too long. Your momma has a special dinner planned for tonight and she wants you there on time…

Quincy Jr.: Yes sir.

Quincy Sr.: That means showered and cleaned up….twenty hundred hours.

Quincy Jr.: I got it pop…we’re just finishing up.

Quincy Sr.: I gave you the message so it’s all on you if you’re late. See you in a bit. *walks away*

Quincy Sr.: *one last time* Don’t be late!

Quincy Jr.: I won’t pop…dang.

I continue punching. Q turns his attention back to me.

Quincy Jr.: Damn ma…you’ve been practicing. You can actually throw a punch. You don’t need much coaching at all.

Alida: Where I’m from – you’d better know how to defend yourself.

Ooops…I’ve revealed a bit too much about myself. Luckily he doesn’t question it.

By the time we finish at the heavy bag…it’s already past 8. Q is late for his mom’s dinner, but he doesn’t seem to be in a rush. He sits down on the couch near the TV and locker rooms.

Alida: Aren’t you supposed to be at dinner with your family?

Quincy: Yeah, but I’m not just gonna leave and be rude to you. I invited you here. My mom will get over it.

I appreciate his thoughtfulness.

Alida: Well…I don’t want to hold you up. I’m sure you have someone else that you could be spending time with. I bet you have your pick.

Quincy: Of what? Women?

Alida: yeah

Quincy: It don’t exactly work like that ma. I have to like who I spend time with. Just anybody won’t do. I’m just fine, right here with you.

Alida: Oh

I’m flattered and I’m guessing that it means that he’s single.

Still…I don’t want to get him into trouble with his family, so I tell him that I have to go. We walk outside and I suddenly feel incredibly shy. I also have no idea how to end whatever this is, so I just say goodbye…thank him for the invitation and leave. As soon as I do it…I know it’s hella awkward, but I’m not about to turn back and try it again. I’ll just do a better job next time I see him…if there is a next time. Gawd…I hope there’s a next time!

Michelle is in the kitchen when I finally make it home.

Michelle: So…you’ve been working out all this time?

Alida: Not the whole time…we sat and talked for a while.

Michelle: *chopping up veggies* That’s a good sign.

Alida: I guess…*in denial* but like I said, I don’t really have time for more than just hanging out.

Michelle: *not fooled* yeah right

Alida: It’s true…and I’m going to bed.

Michelle: Right…so you can try and conjure up another one of those dreams.

Alida: Whatever…

She’s not wrong though.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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