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Banks Dynasty – Day 29

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I wake up to Michelle cooking and singing in the kitchen like Mama Nadine used to do…

Michelle: *singing*

♫I put your picture on my mirror
Start to blush when somebody says your name
In my stomach there’s a pain
See you walk in my direction…
I go the other way
I start to stutter when I speak
I try to stand but my knees go weak
What’s happening to me?
In the dark, can you tell me what it means?

I lay my head on my pillow
Staring out the window
Wish on a star for a sign

It’s the reason why

You’re always on my mind
When you come around I get shy
When I see you (See you)
When I see you…♪ (source)

Michelle finishes cooking and walks over. I didn’t expect her to be so happy after failing her audition yesterday.

She sits down next to me…

Alida: What’s got you in such a good mood?

Michelle: *blushes* I met someone…

Alida: *shocked* When? Who is it?

I can suddenly understand her choice of song.

Michelle: Yesterday…before the audition. His name is Roman…he’s also an aspiring actor and he’s gorgeous!

Alida: Just meeting him doesn’t have you singing like that. Stop holding out…I want details!

Michelle: So…I was heading into the audition room while he was walking out and we literally bumped into each other. He apologized, but I was so nervous about my audition that I didn’t think anything of it. I barely even looked at him. After I left the room…he was standing there waiting for me. We talked for a while and that was it. That’s about when I got the call from my agent and I texted you.

Alida: Right…

Michelle: After that, I went shopping…then came home. After you left for work…I checked my Simstagram and saw a message from him.

Alida: He looked you up?

Michelle: Yeah…I guess so. Anyway, he asked me if I was interested in checking out the romance festival. So I met up with him in San Myshuno…and girl, let me tell you – it was absolutely magical.

Alida: You sure it wasn’t just that ‘love’ tea they push out at those festivals? I heard stories of people who drank that crap and woke up the next day in bed with someone they barely knew…married.

Michelle: No! It wasn’t the tea! It was real…a real connection.

I still think it was just the tea, but I keep it to myself.

Alida: Well…I’m happy for you, *chuckles* and maybe even a little jealous. When do I get to meet him?

Michelle: Soon…hopefully.

After breakfast, Michelle takes a shower and changes into the festival t-shirt that Roman bought her. I sit down at my new computer to complete the next lesson for my programming class.

Michelle sits down with a home maintenance book to raise her handiness skill for her next audition. After some reading…

Michelle: Hey Alida…this book teaches how to fix holes in the wall. It doesn’t look too difficult. Maybe I can patch our drywall.

Alida: Cool…

I’m barely listening because I’ve accidentally stumbled upon a new skill of my own while browsing a programming forum online. Someone there posted a link on how to hack onto unsecured web servers. I click it immediately and give it a try…not expecting it to actually work. After multiple unsuccessful tries…I actually manage to score $46. That’s almost as much as I make from working over 7 hours on my job.

Michelle and I continue working on our skills until she receives a text from Roman…

At the 8 Bells Bar…

At the 8 Bells Inn…

Satisfied with the money I made hacking…I decide to skip going to work. It doesn’t help my job performance rating at all, but at this point…I don’t care. I’ll just suffer the consequences later.

I stay up playing games on my computer until after 11. Michelle hasn’t come home yet, so I give up on waiting up for her. I head to bed and hope that she’s having a good time.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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