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Banks Dynasty – Day 30 (Part 2)

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If sims were meant to have wheels on their feet…we would have been born with them. Q and I quickly discover why we weren’t…

After a fall or two too many…we both leave the floor and sit down a bench nearby. Q seems to be in a pensive mood. I’d give anything to know what’s on his mind. Is it me? There’s only one way to find out…

Alida: I…uh, wanted you to know that I like you. I like you a lot…and I was wondering how you felt, you know – about me.

Q slides closer…

Quincy: I was wondering the same thing. I like you too! You’re on my mind…a lot – a whole lot.

The next thing I know…his lips are on mine and I’m kissing him back. Sorta. I’ve never kissed anyone before, so I miss a few times because my eyes are closed. But…it’s still nice and I think we’re both glad that that’s out of the way.

Alida: What happens when you move? How often will I get to see you?

Quincy: As often as you want to. As you can see…Oasis Springs isn’t very far away.

That’s true, but it’s far enough away that he probably won’t be at the lounge as much as he used to be. And catching a S-Uber costs money. I can’t afford to catch it as often as I’d like to. I tell him that…

Quincy: We’ll work it out, ma. Don’t worry. *pulls me closer* Believe me…I don’t think I can go too long without seeing you.

Alida: Neither can I…

It’s nice to know that we’re on the same page.

I have to leave for work soon, so we end our time together with Q showing me the house that he’ll be moving into.

Quincy: *excited* The downstairs is empty, so I’ll be using that as a photography and music studio.

The house is incredible for a starter. It’s a thousand times nicer than the dump that Michelle and I currently live in.

Alida: When do you move in?

Quincy: Next week…

Q doesn’t have the keys yet, so he can only show me around the outside. It’s probably for the best because I don’t have time for a full tour anyway. I’m almost late for work.

Meanwhile –

Michelle checks her phone one more time. She called and texted Roman hours ago, but hasn’t heard back from him yet. Maybe he’s busy.

She leaves for her next audition and returns home feeling great that she passed it, but a bit bummed that she hasn’t heard from Roman all day. She’d love to share the good news with him.

I return home feeling hurt and defeated. Another bad decision at work has led to me being fired. I know I said that I hated my job, but I never expected to go out like this. I crawl into bed fully dressed and cry myself to sleep…feeling like I’m failing at life.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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