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Banks Dynasty – Day 31 (Part 1)

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It is really hard to drag myself out of bed the next morning. I still can’t believe that I got fired, Somehow…I’m going to have to deal with it and figure out how to make more money quickly.

To make matters worse, we have over §400 worth of bills that we can’t pay. It’s time for me to start building the charity website. Any 2nd thoughts I may have had now have to be pushed to the wayside. As I sit down and get to work, Michelle enters the room and sits down for breakfast.

The next thing I know…Michelle is at the counter in tears. I hurry over…

Alida: Are you okay?

Michelle: *sobbing into her hands* No…

I’m worried because I’ve never seen her like this before…

Alida: Let’s go sit and talk.

Michelle calms down long enough to follow me to the couch.

Alida: What’s wrong? Did you fail another audition?

Michelle: *shuddering* N-no…I-it’s R-Roman!

Alida: What happened?

Michelle: He’s ghosting me…completely shutting me out. He’s ignoring my calls and my texts.

Alida: How do you know he’s ghosting you? Maybe he’s just busy.

Michelle: I checked his Simstagram…he was tagged in a post – with somebody else! They’re dating!

Alida: Oh…that’s not good.

Michelle: *fresh tears* I can’t believe I let him take my virginity in a cheap ass motel room. I can never get that back. *deep sigh* It sucks so bad Alida…I struggle so much. I struggle with my identity. I struggle with my sexuality. I struggle with the way I look. I struggle to try and get roles. I just wanted something to be easy for once  – I don’t need this right now!

My heart hurts for my friend. Michelle is one of the nicest people I know. She doesn’t deserve to be in pain. She doesn’t deserve to have her heartbroken.

Alida: I know babe…but it’ll be okay. I promise.

Michelle: Why would he do this? I thought he cared for me like I cared for him.

Alida: Some people are just assholes. Who he is has nothing to do with you.

Roman needs to pay for every tear that has come out of my sister’s eyes.

Alida: Do you have his address?

Michelle: No, but I can get it. Why?

Alida: Let’s go kick his ass.

Michelle: *frustrated* I can’t do that.

Alida: Maybe the old Michael Roe couldn’t have, but you are Michelle F’ing Blu! You cannot let this asshole get away with this!

I can see hints of a smile forming on Michelle’s lips as my words hit home.

Michelle: I can’t, can I?

Alida: Nope

It takes minutes and only one phone call for Michelle to get Roman’s address.

Michelle: *with Roman’s address in hand* Let’s go! I’ll pay for the S-Uber…

We arrive at the address in Oasis Springs and pull up to a nice house, despite its tacky holiday decorations, with an expensive car in the driveway. Roman is outside playing with his dog. We step right up to him.

Alida: So you’re out here acting like you’ve done nothing wrong!

Roman: Who the hell are you and what are you talking about?

Michelle: She’s talking about you ignoring my calls and texts.

Roman: I wasn’t ignoring them…I just wasn’t interested in answering them.

Alida: But you were interested in getting –

Michelle chimes in before I can finish…

Michelle: I can handle this Alida.

Roman: Yeah…call your guard dog off.

Alida: I’ll show you a guard dog…

I don’t actually get a chance to show him, although I want to so bad. I walk away out of respect for Michelle.

Roman: *to Michelle* If I knew you were this needy…I never would have messed around with you.

Michelle: *insulted* Needy?!

Roman: We both got what we wanted. What’s the problem?

I turn back around quickly…

Alida: How dare you?! You lying as –

Michelle: Alida, please…I’ve got this.

Michelle has a history of being way too nice and a bit fragile emotionally. I’m not 100% confident in her ability to really make Roman pay. I walk over to Michelle.

Alida: You sure? Cause I can just –

Michelle: Yeah…I’m sure.

I point to Roman…

Alida: You’re lucky! But don’t get it twisted…I still have my sister’s back.

I step away once again.

I head over to Roman’s porch and sit down in one of his chairs.

Michelle: You say I got what I wanted, but that implies that you were actually good in bed. Put it this way…*puts a thumbs down in Roman’s face* My thumb is bigger than you!

Roman: What? You weren’t saying that the other night!

Michelle: Have you forgotten that I’m an actress? That was a Starlight Accolade winning performance.

Roman: Well…if I had one, I’d give it to you, cause it would be the only one you’d ever win in your lifetime. Oh…wait, I do -I’ll give you one of mine. Wait here…*turns and walks towards his house*

Michelle: *disgusted* I don’t know how I ever thought you were a good person.

Roman: I guess you’re not the only one with acting skills.

Roman walks up to his porch and sees me sitting there. His face contorts with anger.

Roman: What are you doing? Get the hell off my porch!

I would have just gotten up to leave if he didn’t have the nerve to step up into my face. I shove him on the shoulder.

Alida: Back up…you don’t know me like that!

Roman: I know that you’re trespassing. Get the hell outta here.

Roman steps to me in a threatening motion and I start swinging. Michelle hurries over to stop me, but by the time she gets close enough…Roman and I are in a full-blown fight. Blows land on his face, his chin and the back of his head. I don’t think he knows what’s hit him.

After I’m satisfied with the ass whooping, I step back.

Roman: *holding his sore head* I’m pressing charges!

Alida: If you do…I’ll come back for round two! I advise you to leave well enough alone and take your ass whooping like a man! You deserved it.

It’s time to go…in case Roman actually makes good on his threat. I’m shocked to see that Michelle actually has a smile on her face. It’s a welcomed change from the tears she had earlier.

Michelle: Thanks for having my back sis!

Alida: Always…until the day I die. Let’s go home!

Michelle and I walk away…both feeling that justice has been served.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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