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Banks Dynasty – Day 32 (Part 1)

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Q is not in bed the next morning, but I quickly find him in the attached master bathroom. He greets me immediately with a kiss.

Quincy: I’ll hop in the shower, then I’ll make breakfast.

Alida: That’s okay…I’ll just go see if there’s something quick to eat.

Quincy: You sure?

Alida: Can you even cook?

Quincy: Not really…

Alida: Then I’m sure…

I give him one last kiss before I head towards the kitchen.

Thoughts of the night Q and I shared together flow through my memories, making me smile. I don’t even notice that there’s someone else in the front room with me…

Unknown Lady: Who are you and what the hell are you doing undressed in my house?

Half startled, I gasp and stop right where I am.

It takes me a while to comprehend what’s happening, so I don’t say anything right away.

Unknown Lady: *impatient* I’m calling the cops. *reaches for her phone*

That helps me find my words…

Alida: I – uh, I’m a friend of Q’s.

Right on cue, Q enters the room.

Quincy: Ma? What are you doing here?

Q’s mom scrunches her face like Q has just asked her the craziest question in the world.

Q’s mom: This is my damn house boy. I came over here to get it ready for a client and ran into your –

Q’s mom pauses and looks me up and down as if trying to decide what to call me. I’m sure whatever word she would have chosen would have bordered on being offensive. I chime in before she can come up with something.

Alida: Uh…my name’s Alida.

Q’s mom: I could care less.

Alida: *humiliated* Okay…I’ll go find my clothes.

I walk towards the basement while Q steps up to his mom.

Quincy: Ma…you don’t have to be rude. It’s my fault…I shouldn’t have brought her here.

Q’s mom: You’re damn right. This is not your own private brothel. What the hell?

I go to the basement and find my clothes piled up near the movie room. I slip them on quickly and head upstairs as Q and his mom continues to argue…

Quincy: Why do you insist on treating me like a child? I’m a grown man…and it’s time you realize that.

Q’s mom: A grown man who parades skanks all up in my house?

Quincy: She’s not a skank…don’t call her that! She’s my girl…and I’ll pay for our time here, just like any of your other clients. I’ll even clean up.

I pause at Q’s words. His girl? I like the sound of that. I wish I could say goodbye to Q, but…now is definitely not the right time.

I arrive home feeling all kinds of mixed feeling about the situation with Q and his mom. First, it’s not exactly the way I would have liked to meet his mom for the first time…however – I did get a feel for how Q really feels about me. I’m pretty confident that I’ll be hearing from him again.

Michelle is sitting on the couch when I walk in the door.

Michelle: Walk of shame…I know it well.

I walk over and sit down next to her.

Alida: Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m ashamed…but there is one small problem.

I use my forefinger and thumb to emphasize my point.

Michelle: So… he’s not packing much —

Alida: No! That wasn’t a problem at all, but…

I tell Michelle about meeting Q at the lounge and about how things escalated and we ended up in the hot tub at his parent’s rental.

Alida: It was such a nice house…I can’t even say it was my dream house because I didn’t even know that a house could be that nice. And Q…was very romantic. It was incredible, but his mom ended up walking in on me undressed this morning.

Michelle: What? His mom? You have to be kidding me.

Alida: I wish I was, but I walk out of the bedroom in a towel and there she is…red-faced and ready to call the cops.

Michelle: Oh my goodness…

Alida: Yeah and she and Q got into a big argument. She called me a skank, but Q – he defended me. And told her that I’m his girl.

Michelle: Aww…he did? Had you two talked about making it official?

Alida: No…I don’t think he knew that I heard it.

Michelle: How do you feel about that? Do you want to be with him…officially?

I don’t even hesitate.

Alida: Yeah…more than anything.

Michelle: Then…I’m happy for you!

Alida: Thank you

I get up and walk to the refrigerator…

Alida: But I’m starving…I need food!

While I grab something quick to eat from the refrigerator…Michelle heads to Del Sol Valley for her next gig.

At Plumbob studios…

Leaving the studios, and back at home…

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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