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Banks Dynasty – Day 32 (Part 2)

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I’m on the computer working on my first freelance job when Michelle returns.

Michelle: It’s Winterfest! We can’t both spend the whole day working.

Alida: But I have to get this done or I won’t get paid.

Rather than spend time arguing with me…Michelle leaves the room.

She returns to the room dressed all up in an ugly Winterfest sweater and silly hat similar to the one Raul once teased her about when we were little.

Michelle: I have something for you. *holds out a wrapped gift*

Alida: What is it?

Michelle: Something to help you get into the Winterfest spirit.

Alida: But I didn’t get you anything.

Michelle: You’ve given me your friendship…that’s all I need.

Michelle gives me the gift and I open it.

I open the gift and see that it’s an ugly Winterfest sweater and a hat to go with hers.

Alida: *cringes* Uh…thanks.

Michelle: You have to put it on!

Alida: Do I really?

Michelle: Yes! Now!

There are a whole lot of things I’d much rather do, but I can never say no to Michelle, so I reluctantly head to my bedroom to change. By the time I return, I see that Michelle has put up a couple of Winterfest tree decals because I’m sure that’s all we can afford…and has placed a small stack of gifts near them.

Alida: How do you always manage to pull something out of nothing? I can’t believe you were able to put this together.

Michelle: Well…there wasn’t much money left after I paid our bills, so I did what I could.

Alida: You were able to pay the bills?

Michelle: Yeah, with my money from the commercial. We couldn’t be spending Winterfest in the dark, could we?

Alida: No, I guess not.

Michelle: Come on…let’s open gifts.

I didn’t purchase any gifts, but Michelle received one from the director of her commercial. She opens it up and sees that she received a semi-precious stone. She then hands me a box.

Michelle: It’s not much, but hopefully it’ll help you out with your career.

I open the box and see that Michelle has purchased a couple of programming books. I really appreciate the thought.

After our few gifts are opened, we sit on the couch to watch TV. My phone suddenly rings. I check the caller ID and see that it’s Q. I answer immediately.

Quincy: *on the phone* Alida…I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be moving out of my parent’s house today.

Alida: Is it because of what happened? I’m so sorry.

Quincy: It’s not your fault. If it wasn’t that, it would have been something else.

From what I know of his parents so far, I suspect that he’s right. I decide to ask him about what I overheard…

Alida: Um…when you were talking to your mom, you told her that I was your girl?

Michelle gets up to give me a bit of privacy.

Quincy: *pauses for a moment* I’d like you to be…if you’re okay with that.

Alida: Yeah…it is.

Quincy: *on the phone* Then I’d like you to be my girl – I mean, uh…my woman.

Alida: Okay…yeah.

Quincy: Okay…and I want you to come see me tomorrow. I’ll be busy unpacking, but I can send a car to get you.

My smile is big and cheesy…I’m glad he can’t see it.

Alida: …see you tomorrow.

Michelle is in the kitchen making mac and cheese for dinner. I know that I’d better get my freelance job done if I want to go spend time with Q tomorrow.  I go to my computer and try to encrypt as many files as I can, but I quickly discover that encrypting files takes a while…I need to complete 5 of them.

Next thing I know, some strange man is standing near me and my computer.

Alida: What the hell?

I look up and see that it’s Father Winter…

Alida: Oh it’s you…you should really knock before just walking into people’s houses.

I don’t really have the best history with Father Winter, so I’m not quite as thrilled to see him as Michelle is.

He hands Michelle her gift. I hold my breath hoping that Father Winter actually gives us something nice and expensive that we can sell. After Michelle has opened her gift, I get up to receive mine…and it’s empty. A big empty box.

Alida: I don’t get why people even believe in you.

Father Winter: This is a lesson for you. The most important gifts don’t come in boxes.

I already know that, because what I’ve always wanted more than anything doesn’t come in a box…but I’ve never received that either.

I give Father Winter one more chance to give me something that I can really use.

Alida: Can you at least fix our house up? …Maybe fix the cracks in the walls so that the house will be presentable in case we want to bring someone over?

Father Winter: I’ll see what I can do…

Empty promises are all that Father Winter is good for. I get up and head to bed.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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