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Banks Dynasty – Day 33 (Part 1)

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I leave the bathroom the next morning and notice that something is different about the living room and kitchen. Then I realize that it’s the walls. The holes in the walls are fixed…which is exactly what I asked Father Winter to do for us last night.

I sit down with Michelle for breakfast.

Alida: Did you have something to do with this?

Michelle: What?

Alida: The walls are fixed.

Michelle: No…it must have been Father Winter. Didn’t you ask him to fix the walls last night?

Alida: Yeah, but that dude is worthless and you know it. Talking about…*mocking tone* ‘the most important gifts don’t come in boxes’.

Michelle: Okay, okay…I heard you talking to him about the walls, so I decided to put some of my new handiness skills to use. I was up half the night…trying to stay quiet to keep it secret.

Alida: Well, I appreciate it. It looks amazing.

Michelle: Thank you. *pause* Can I uh…talk to you about something?

Alida: Of course…what’s up?

We go and sit on the couch and Michelle tells me what’s on her mind.

Michelle: I think I want to quit acting.

Alida: *shocked* What? Why? It seems to be going so well. Didn’t you just get a promotion?

Michelle: Yeah, but I’m not fulfilled and it’s not allowing me to be who I truly am.

Alida: I thought that was the point of acting though…to be someone else – to become a character.

Michelle: It is, but they keep giving me these male roles. It makes me feel like I did when I was little…like I have to hide who I truly am.

I can see her point.

Alida: Oh. But what would you do instead?

Michelle: I don’t know…that’s the problem.

Alida: That’s because you’ve been an actor all your life. Don’t you remember begging Mama Nadine to let you join drama club? Back then, you didn’t care what role you got. You just wanted to be on stage.

Michelle: True, but it feels different now. I had to hide who I was then. I don’t want to do that now.

I stop and think about what Michelle is trying to tell me. I know it has to be difficult for her, but I don’t think she should give up so soon.

Alida: Maybe you should give it some time. As more roles open up…I’m sure you’ll begin to get the type of roles that you’re looking for.

Michelle: You really think so?

Alida: I do…you just need to build up your fame. Once you do that…you’ll be able to demand whatever role you want.

Michelle: I hope so…

Alida: I know so. Give it time babe…until the end of spring. If things don’t change, I’ll help you find a new passion. Okay?

Michelle: *smiles* yeah…okay

To help build up her fame…Michelle decides to go outside and do an impromptu performance for tips. Too bad it soon begins to rain.

Michelle uses the rain to her advantage and begins singing a more upbeat modern version of the song ‘Singing in the Rain’…

Michelle: *singing* ♫ I’m singing and dancing in the rain…♫

She’s soaking wet by the time she’s done…and is disappointed to have only made § 13.

Michelle returns home just as I’m finishing up the encryption of a few more files for my freelance client. Q sends me a message to let me know that a S-Uber is on the way to pick me up. I walk towards the bathroom to let Michelle know.

Alida: *calls out* Q is sending a car to pick me up. I’ll see you later!

Michelle comes out of the bathroom immediately…

Michelle: Wait…you can’t go visit your man looking like that!

Alida: What’s wrong with the way I look?

Michelle: You do plan on getting some, right?

Alida: *blushes* Well…I –

Michelle doesn’t even wait for me to finish…

Michelle: Follow me…

I follow Michelle into the bathroom.

Michelle: Hop in the shower and wet your hair. I’ll go find you something better to wear.

I’ve always trusted Michelle’s sense of style, so I do exactly what she says. And I’m glad…

Michelle: Now you’re ready to go visit your man.

Alida: Thanks babe…if you ever quit acting, I think you’d do well as a stylist.

Michelle seems pleased to hear that.

Alida: Don’t wait up…

I head outside to the car that’s waiting for me.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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