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Banks Dynasty – Day 33 (Part 2)

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Q is there waiting to pull me into his arms as soon as the S-Uber pulls up.

Quincy: *whispers in my ear* You look amazing!

I thank him and also silently thank Michelle for giving me my mini makeover.

Q gives me the go-ahead to take my first look at the inside of the house. For him to have lived here for under one day…it looks like he’s fully moved in. He must have worked all night to get it ready.

He shows me the bedroom next, which has a nice little view out the window.

Quincy: I’m not too sure about the color scheme. I’ve been thinking about hiring a decorator and changing it.

A decorator? I don’t get why someone would hire anybody to change what’s already perfect.

Alida: I think it’s amazing the way it is…

This is just another reminder that we come from two different worlds.

Quincy: Want to see the downstairs?

Alida: Yeah sure

I follow him through the kitchen to the stairs.

The downstairs is a big open space.

Quincy: It’s obviously unfinished down here. I’m just using it for my photography and music for now. Eventually, I’d like to add a few more rooms down here. What do you think?

Alida: I like everything about the house.

Quincy: *smiles* Good…I’m glad you like it.

Is that a look of relief on his face?

Q and I kiss, but I have a question in my head the whole time.

Alida: Why do you care so much about what I think about the place?

Quincy: I’m hoping you’ll want to spend a lot of time with me here. You know?

Alida: *teasing tone* I don’t know – maybe…

Luckily Q picks up that I’m just messing with him.

Quincy: *smiles* Want to watch a movie?

I agree and we head upstairs to watch Roaring Vice.

The movie is good. It has a fairly equal balance of funny, sad and even romantic moments. It pulls us into each moment and by the end of it…Q and I are making out.

Q pulls back slightly from my embrace…

Quincy: You can stay the night…if you want to. Or…I can drive you home.

The choice is mine…although we both know which suggestion we’d rather go with. I go through the motions anyway…

Alida: Whatever is easier for you…

I practically kick myself. Why can’t I just say that I don’t want to leave…that I want him to be all over me, right here and right now?

We eventually get it together and end up half-dressed in his bedroom.

Quincy: I was hoping you’d stay.

Alida: It was never going to be any other way.

Q chuckles and we crawl up under the covers.

Woohoo is just as pleasurable as it was the first (and second) time. Being with Q feels as natural as breathing and he definitely has enough stamina for both of us. I’m knocked out as soon as we’re done.

Sometime in the middle of the night…Q wakes up and leaves the bed.

I find him down in his basement staring at some newly hung portraits. I step up behind him…recognizing his mother and father in the pictures. There’s also a girl there that looks a lot like his father.

Alida: Is that your sister?

Quincy: *turns and smiles* Yes…her name is Sophia.

I can detect a hint of sadness in Q’s voice.

Alida: Do you miss her?

Quincy: Honestly, no. We’re not all that close…*deep breath* but I sort of regret the way things went down with my family.

I can only imagine the whole scene as Q was gathering his things and moving out.

Alida: I’m sorry…

Quincy: It’s all good.

I decide to change the subject…

Alida: Did you take the pictures? *nod towards the family portraits*

Quincy: Yeah…a few days ago.

Alida: You’re pretty good…

Quincy: I can always use more practice…

The next thing I know…I’m in front of the camera in my underwear. I’m a bit shy at first and my poses are stiff, but Q’s relaxed style soon puts me at ease. Before long…I’m posing like a professional.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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