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Banks Dynasty – Day 34 (Part 1)

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I know I won’t be able to fully enjoy the rest of my day with Q if I have this freelance assignment looming over my head, so I wake up extra early to try and complete it. I manage to get another file encrypted, so I start on the last one…stopping only when I hear Q enter the room. I get up to greet him.

Q kisses my cheek.

Quincy: What do you have up for today?

Alida: Nothing if I don’t finish this assignment, but I’m not in a hurry to go home if that’s what you’re asking.

Quincy: Okay…good. I’ll let you get back to work then.

I sit back down at the computer and notice that something is wrong.

Alida: What the heck happened to my file?

Q begins to walk away…

Quincy: I’ll cook breakfast.

Alida: Wait…I thought you said you couldn’t cook.

Quincy: I can’t cook much…but I can cook the hell out of grilled cheese.

Q opens the refrigerator and pulls out cheese, bread and butter. I’m not all that confident in his cooking skills…actually, I’m not all that confident in mine either – so I just let it be and try my best to finish my work.

Suddenly, I run into another issue with my file. I silently curse myself and attempt to backtrack and fix whatever I messed up. This job is starting to barely be worth the pay I’ll get for it in the end.

Q pulls me away from the computer and we sit down to eat his grilled cheese…which is actually pretty damn good. Unfortunately, Q picks that exact moment to bring up a very touchy subject for me…

Quincy: So, I told you about my family…but you’ve never told me anything about yours.

Alida: There’s nothing to tell…

Quincy: I mean…where are you from? What do your parents do? Is Michelle your real sister? *uncomfortable pause* That seems like a lot to tell…

My phone suddenly rings…which temporarily saves me from answering any of Q’s questions.

Alida: *looks at the screen* It’s Michelle…I need to take this.

I figured this has to be important because Michelle wouldn’t call for just any reason.

Alida: *answers the call* Michelle…what’s up?

Michelle is really vague on the phone…only telling me that I need to come home right away.

Alida: Why? Is everything okay?

Michelle: *on the phone, in a hushed/rushed tone* I can’t talk now. Just get home as fast as you can!

Alida: Okay…I need time to shower and get dressed, then I’ll be on my way.

Q sighs and gets up and begins clearing dishes.

Q’s questions will have to wait. I let him know that Michelle needs me right away. We both hurry and get dressed…keeping our showers brief. We meet back in the front room.

Quincy: Just let me grab my keys…

I’m still not ready for him to see my place, so I play it off.

Alida: No…I don’t want you to drive me all the way there and have to come back.

Quincy: It’s no big deal. I cleared my whole schedule for you today.

Alida: Awww, that’s sweet, but no – I’ll take a S-Uber.

Q doesn’t argue. I can be very stubborn and I have a feeling that he’s already picked up on that. He pulls out his phone and schedules a car to come and get me. Once the car arrives, he pulls me close.

Quincy: *whispers in my ear* You’ll eventually have to open up to me…

The thought makes me cringe…I take a step back, loosening his grip on me.

Alida: Can’t you just be content with who I am now? Does all that other stuff really matter?

Even as I ask the question…I know it matters a lot. It always does to people like him…

Quincy: I just –

The driver outside beeps his horn.

Alida: *interrupts Q’s response* I have to go!

On the drive home, Q’s questions haunt me so much that I forget to try and guess what’s so important that Michelle would require me to rush home suddenly. If our relationship is ever going to go anywhere…I know that I’ll have to open up to Q and tell him about my past and where I’m from. I just don’t know how he’ll respond. That’s the part that scares me the most.

The car pulls up outside the house. I step out and walk through the door. That’s when my past slaps me right in the face. There’s a woman sitting on the couch next to Michelle. She’s strange but very familiar at the same time…

Alida: Mama?

She gets up from the couch and begins to walk towards me. My feet automatically begin to do the same.

Lea: Leelee…baby – is that you?

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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