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Banks Dynasty – Day 53 (Part 1)

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Q gets his morning workout in and joins Peri and me upstairs. He’s now at level 8 fitness. I can’t wait until I get there. Maybe I’ll finally begin losing some of the weight I’ve been desperately trying to lose.

I finish up my breakfast and Q takes my place beside Peri.

Alida: Peri, can you repeat what you told me yesterday to daddy? You know…the color thing.

Prosperity: I’m not sure how to explain it.

Alida: Do it like you did yesterday…it’s okay, daddy will understand.

Prosperity: *gathers her thoughts* When I feel…it’s in color daddy.

Quincy: In color? So…like if you’re having a good day, there’s a color associated with it?

Prosperity: Uh…if I’m all giggly and laughy because my friend told me a joke, I think of the prettiest minty green and I feel it inside. But if somebody is mean to me…I see dark colors – blue, mixed with purple.

Quincy: Oh…I know about that – synesthesia.

Alida: There’s a name for it?

Quincy: Yeah…it’s uncommon, but some of the most brilliant artists and musicians have some form of it. My mom talks about something similar…it happens when she listens to or plays music.

Quincy: *turns back to Peri* Do you ever have a desire to draw, paint or write about the colors?

Prosperity: Sometimes…

Quincy: It might help you deal with intense feelings or maybe even help you become an incredible artist or poet one day.

I’m relieved that Q knows something about it…and I’m happy to learn something else about Alice. I leave them alone to talk about it until it’s time for Peri to go to school.

I’m working hard at making exercise an important part of my day just like Q. I do a little over a mile on the treadmill and head upstairs just in time to catch Q on his way to take a shower.

Quincy: You coming?

Q always seems to know how to put a smile on my face.

Q pulls me into his arms and kisses me on the lips. Then he allows his towel to drop and tries to pull me into the shower behind him.

Alida: Wait…let me take this off first.

I undress and join him…

After our little romp in the shower…it’s time to get back to work. Q works on a new beat, but I’m greeted by a screen of death on my laptop. I call up a repair person…hoping that I can get it repaired as soon as possible.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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