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Banks Dynasty – Day 53 (Part 2)

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While my computer is down, I can’t work. I call up Michelle, but she’s on set…so my plans to visit the bubble lounge in Strangerville doesn’t sound as appealing. I decide to settle for a drink with my mom instead. I still want to talk to her about what she told Peri, so I call her up and meet her next door at the Top Notch Lounge.

Mama sits next to me at the bar but refuses my offer to buy her a drink.

Lea: No thanks, alcohol is like a gateway drug and I’m not about to mess up my probation. I’m only a few more days away from being completely free.

I respect that and I’m glad to see she’s trying.

Alida: How’s your living situation?

Lea: It’s okay, but I’m long overdue for my own place. I have good news though…Oasis Springs is starting a Tiny Houses movement and I’m at the top of the list to get one.

Alida: That’s great mama! I’m happy for you.

As more people begin to enter the lounge, I seek out a quieter place for us to talk.

We move to one of the nearby tables.

Alida: I wanted to talk to you about something.

Lea: I figured that. So you discovered the broken vase then? I thought I managed to put it back together like new. I hope you didn’t try to put water in it.

This is the first I’m hearing of anything being broken while we were away, but I could care less about a vase.

Alida: Broken vase? No…it’s about Peri and what you told her about going to prison.

Lea: Oh…what about it?

Alida: Why’d you tell her?

Lea: Because it’s the truth. I went to prison for over 20 years…I can’t exactly hide that, it’s a huge part of my life.

Alida: But she’s just a little girl. You can’t tell her things like that…especially about what you did.

Lea: You were a little girl when I went…you knew what I did.

Alida: That’s different though, mama.

Lea: How? How is it different?

Alida: Peri hasn’t been exposed to the things that I was exposed to when I was young. She hasn’t seen the things that I saw. I don’t want her to know about that kind of stuff right now.

Lea: I get it…you want to preserve her innocence. I wish I was able to raise you like that, but I’m sorry…I can’t hide who I was. I learned the hard way that trying to never turns out well.

Alida: I’m not asking you to hide it…just don’t volunteer the information so readily. I don’t exactly run around telling people that I was a foster child.

Lea: Well, maybe you should. It’s not something to hide…it’s something to be proud of – because look at you now. You’ve overcome the odds. I’m trying to do that as well. I’m an ex-con…did you know that over 50% of us return to prison shortly after being released? It’s not easy but I refuse to be a part of that number. Leelee…most people my age are retiring, but I’m just now entering into the job market and trying to build a life for myself. It’s embarrassing that I have to have people less than half my age train me on how to stock shelves. The only way I can face that type of embarrassment is to hold my head high. So while I understand your concerns, I refuse to hide the fact that I spent time in prison. I want more than anything to be a part of Peri’s life…of your life, but I can’t deny part of who I am. I hope you don’t push me away because of it.

It’s a lot to take in, but I find myself feeling something that I’ve never felt about mama before…proud.

Alida: Okay…I won’t ask you to.

Lea: I’ll tone it down though…

Alida: I appreciate that.

I take a look at the time…

Alida: I’m sorry mama…Peri will be home any minute. I need to get back…wanna come?

Lea: Not today…I have some things I need to take care of. But please give her a kiss for me.

I nod and get up to leave.

I leave the lounge and find Peri and Q sitting outside working on a project. I say my hellos, ask about her day, then excuse myself to get my own work done.

My computer is repaired so I continue building the video game for my client, while Q and Peri continue working outside.

Prosperity: You read the instructions because that’s what you’re good at. I’ll build everything…that’s what I’m good at.

Quincy: *chuckles* Okay…whatever you say, little Ma.

Peri takes the instructions from Q and checks her list twice before she’s satisfied. Before too long, they stand before a completed castle diorama.

Prosperity: The lights work daddy! Mine’s will be the best in my class!

Quincy: I’m sure it will.

Q submits his approved photo from his last freelance job right on time to get paid. I join him and Peri upstairs. Q and I eat dinner…while Peri, who had a head start on her own dinner, completes her homework at the table.

Alida: What’s the assignment?

Prosperity: *unsure* Assignment?

Alida: By that, I mean…what are you supposed to do?

Prosperity: Oh…I have to read two paragraphs and answer questions.

Alida: Can we help?

Prosperity: *excited* Yes! I’ll read to you and you answer the questions.

Quincy: I don’t think that’s the way it works little Ma.

Alida: Yeah…nice try!

After dinner…everyone else goes to bed, but once again…I’m still up trying to catch up on my work assignment. After this job…I may have to consider taking a bit of time off.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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