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Banks Dynasty – Day 54

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It’s after 3 am when I finally get ready to go to bed. My game is not complete, but I’m at level 10 of the programming skill. I almost can’t believe how far I’ve come…and I’ve done it on my own – with no formal education.

While I try to catch up on much-needed sleep, Peri leaves for school and Q chooses to go bike riding instead of jogging this morning.

Q is just finishing up when I’m awakened by a call to my cell phone. It’s Michelle…

Michelle: *on the phone* Did I wake you?

Alida: Yeah, but it’s all good. What’s up?

Michelle: I got your message yesterday. I’m sorry I’ve been so busy. We didn’t even get to spend our birthdays together. I want to make up for it…can you meet me at the Glitter & Glamour salon in Del Sol Valley?

I still have a lot of work to do on my video game, but I’d drop anything for Michelle. I’ve missed her so much. I grab a quick brunch with Q, then head to Glitter and Glamour…which happens to be a big celebrity hotspot in Del Sol Valley. It’s where famous people go to chill and relax. Michelle and I could only dream of going to such a place when we were children.

We greet each other with the biggest hug. We haven’t seen each other since my wedding in Sulani.

Alida: *after the hug* You look amazing! How do you stay so fit?

Michelle: Chile…diet, exercise – I’ve been into yoga lately. It’s tough at times, but I have no choice. I won’t get any roles if I have too many rolls…you know? But you look amazing too!

Alida: Thanks…I don’t feel like I do though. I work out almost every day, but the results come so slowly.

Michelle: But you have gorgeous curves. I envy that.

Michelle and I enter the salon. While she’s changing into her workout clothes, I sit down at the bar and ask the receptionist a few questions.

Alida: I know you all have a huge celebrity clientele here? What are some of their secrets for staying in shape? It can’t all be just diet and exercise.

Receptionist: Well…diet and exercise is a big part of it – true. But there are supplements out there as well. As a matter of fact…we have this amazing diet drink that makes the fat melt off like butter.

Alida: Diet drink? Like butter?

Receptionist: Yes ma’am. It’s called Insta-Lean. It’s so effective that we can barely keep any in stock. It’s very expensive though.

I have a huge check coming once I finish the video game that I’m working on. I’m sure I can afford the drink…whatever the cost.

Alida: Tell me more…

Michelle joins the next yoga class. I watch for a while, but I’m not about to try and twist my body into all of those weird poses. I wait for her in the sauna instead…which is surprisingly relaxing.

I end the spa day with a foot massage, which is definitely not as relaxing as the sauna…not in the beginning anyway. Once the masseuse works out all the stressed areas…I’m actually able to enjoy it much better.

Michelle and I say our goodbyes and I thank her for the chance to experience what a spa day is like. She also leaves me with a late birthday gift, then we head our separate ways. I arrive home almost forgetting that today is Spooky Day. I go upstairs and change into a last-minute pizza delivery costume, then meet Q, who’s dressed as a space ranger, and Peri, who’s dressed as a pirate, outside to take pictures.

Peri insists on carving a pumpkin, so Q gets her set up. She works diligently until she gets it just the way she wants it.

After participating in a few Spooky Day activities…we all have to get back to work. I work on my game, Peri finishes up her homework and Q practices on his guitar.

I eventually complete my freelance job. It worked out well for me because I was paid over § 6000, but I’m not so sure how this whole thing will turn out for my client. I reward my hard work by going outside and planting the gift that Michelle gave me. She says it’s a money tree, but I’m not quite sure what that means. I guess I’ll just have to see.

Q hires a new model for his next photoshoot, who seems very enthusiastic about being chosen.

Model: It’s an honor to be working with you! You have a great reputation within the industry.

Quincy: Thanks so much. I appreciate you saying that.

Q hands him some clothes to change into, then they get to work.

The day winds down and Q and I finish the evening by watching a silly spooky movie on TV. Peri’s too scared to watch it, but just listening to the sound effects and cinematic music is enough for her.

Q and Peri go to bed after the movie. I stay up for a while longer but for an altogether different reason this time. I pull out the Insta-Lean that I purchased from the salon. I hesitate for a moment thinking about what the receptionist told me about it. I weigh the pros and cons in my head for a bit, then drink it down in a few big gulps.

It works…a little too well. My curvy hips, my round booty…my full breasts are all gone in an instant. While paying for this miracle drink was within my affordability…I’m not sure I’m ready for the intangible costs that come with such rapid weight loss.

(Note: I let curiosity get the best of me! I saw the Insta-Lean aspiration reward and I’ve always wondered how it works…and now this. I would never make a sim this thin on purpose. I’d never support or encourage the use of a so-called miracle weight loss drink in real life! This should be interesting…)

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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