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Banks Dynasty – Day 55 (Part 3)

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It feels so good to see my foster siblings again. The guys, Raul and Darwin take up residence at the bar. Darwin is still married, while Raul enjoys life as a bachelor. Twins Molly and Emily are newlyweds. Molly is now Molly Iosua and Emily’s new last name is Yoshida. Claudia, who’s been married the longest, has just welcomed a 2nd baby to her family. We make plans to get our girls together soon. Last, but certainly not least is Michelle…my heart. She makes a fashionable entrance and pulls me into a hug as soon as she sees me.

After our hug, I walk over to the buffet table which gives Michelle a chance to get a good look at my new figure.

Michelle: Wait a damn minute…you asked me about my weight management routine yesterday, but my techniques don’t work that fast. You look amazing!

Alida: Yeah…well, I cheated a little.

Michelle: A little? Uh-uh…what does that mean?

Alida: At the spa…I asked the reception about weight loss and she told me about this diet drink called Insta-Lean. You heard of it?

Michelle: I’m in the industry…of course I have. So you tried it then? Be careful…that stuff can be addictive. There are models out there who drink it every time they gain even one pound of weight. I’ve even heard of a few deaths.

Alida: It was just a one-time thing for me. Q is pissed though!

Michelle: What? He don’t like the new look?

Alida: It’s not that…he said that drinking it was dangerous. We can barely talk now without it turning into a full-blown argument.

Michelle: Sorry to hear that. I’m sure he just needs some time to get used to the idea.

Alida: I don’t know Chelle. He can barely even look at me.

Michelle: Then give him something to see that he can’t resist!

Alida: *chuckles* Now you sound like mama.

I grab some food and Michelle walks with me to a nearby table.

Alida: Enough about my issues…how’s work?

Michelle: Funny you should ask. I’m actually thinking about retiring as an actress.

Alida: *shocked* What! Why?

Michelle: It’s getting to be a bit much…and I’m getting older. All they want to offer me is mama roles now. Tamati and I are actually thinking about getting married and living a quiet life in Shady Acres. We’re even thinking about adopting.

Alida: Wow! I can’t imagine you retiring. You’re still in your prime!

Michelle: Better to go out on top, right? All the attention is getting tiring. I go anywhere and I’m surrounded by paparazzi…

Right on cue…a camera flashes in front of us.

Paparazzi: Over here Michelle! C’mon…just give me one smile!

I can already see what she means.

Michelle: *continues* And I’m constantly on set. I’m supposed to be Auntie Michelle, but I haven’t even had a chance to get to know Prosperity.

Alida: Yeah…that’s true. By the way, she wanted to thank you for designing her bedroom.

Michelle: See? She should have been able to tell me that in person.

Alida: What will you do instead?

Michelle: I’ve always had a passion for style. I may dabble in the stylist career for a bit.

After my conversation with Michelle, I spot a bubble blower in the corner. It seems that Darwin and Molly are fellow bubble blower connoisseurs, so they join me. Molly grabs a nozzle and expertly inhales and blows out a series of perfect bubbles.

Alida: *impressed* Alright Molly…I see how you get down!

Claudia walks over and sits down…

Claudia: You have to show me how these things work! I can use some relaxation.

I grab the nozzle but inhale way too much bubble solution. I end up coughing and choking. I guess I’m just out of practice.

More paparazzi arrive and begin to surround Michelle. We all retreat to a private karaoke room to give her a break from the camera flashes and interview requests.

Michelle and I grab the mikes and choose a duet…something from Mama Nadine’s playlist since we’re here to honor her. We quickly discover that neither of us can really pull it off like she could. Singing is not exactly where our talents lie.

After our song, Michelle and I find Raul in the next karaoke room. But we forget to lock the door and one of Michelle’s fans find her there…

Male Fan: O-M-G! Michelle Blu! I am your absolute biggest fan!

Michelle doesn’t mind fans as much as the paparazzi, so she gives him an autographed picture and sends him on his way.

A part of the Ancestor Day tradition is to tell stories of those who passed before us. We all gather in a corner of the bar and share our memories of Mama Nadine. I tell them all about how beautiful and happy she was the last time I saw her in Sulani. I also reveal to them that she was partially responsible for my engagement to Q.

A few others share their stories, then we all begin to disperse in search of food and drinks.

Michelle and Raul, who probably hasn’t said two words to each other the whole time we’re been here, end up walking off together.

Raul: So…Michael, I actually watched your –

Michelle: My name is Michelle! How many times do I have to tell you that?

Raul: I thought that was just your stage or drag name. My bad…

Michelle: You know that’s not the case! You just wanted to be an asshole and insult me like you’ve always done! What is your problem with me?

Based on their interactions from the past…I know that this can get ugly quick, so I hurry over to intervene if needed.

Raul: Maybe it’s you that has a problem with me! I was about to compliment you on your sitcom.

Michelle: Well, next time use my correct name! It’s my legal name…not a drag name because I’m not in drag.

Raul: What’s the difference?

Michelle: Do you really want to know or are you just being facetious?

Raul: What I want to know is why you always think the world is against you? Have you ever considered that it might be the decisions you make? You were a weak little boy…that made you a victim, and now – this!

It’s definitely time to step in, but before I can…a member of the paparazzi steps over and begins to take photos of Michelle and Raul arguing.

Michelle: So I’m to blame for your bullying, biases, and transphobia?

Raul: When did I ever bully you?

Michelle: You’re bullying me right now by refusing to use my correct name!

I step over to Michelle, hoping to stop this whole thing before too much of it is captured on film.

Alida: You need to come with me…

Michelle: I’ve got this Alida! I don’t need you to defend me…

Alida: I’m not trying to defend you! But you need to come with me right now!

Michelle eventually gives up on the argument and follows me to one of the private karaoke rooms.

Michelle: Ugh! He makes me so mad! I can’t stand him.

Alida: Sit down…we need to talk.

Michelle: Why me? Shouldn’t you be talking to Raul? He’s the one that always has something disrespectful to say.

Alida: Raul has nothing to lose…you do. Did you see them out there taking pictures of you? That type of thing could ruin you…whether you plan to retire or not!

Michelle: Oh…I didn’t notice.

Alida: You and Raul need to fix this! You can’t continue to let him get to you.

Michelle: But…you don’t understand!

Alida: I do and you know it! Who’s been with you since the beginning? You’ve gotta fix it Chelle.

Michelle turns her head away as she realizes that I’m right.

Michelle: Yeah…okay.

It’s late and time for us to go. I leave the bar realizing that I have something that I need to fix as well…my relationship with Q. I think about it the whole ride home, but when I walk in the house I’m slapped in the face with a huge, most likely very expensive flat-screen TV.

Q is sitting at the counter eating. I walk over…

Alida: So…I see you and Peri did some shopping.

Quincy: Yep

Alida: And you didn’t think you should discuss such a large purchase with –

I stop as I calculate in my head how much the Insta-Lean cost me. I definitely didn’t discuss that with him.

Q’s jaw is so tense as he eats that I can only imagine how he’s even able to swallow. He does go on to explain himself though…

Quincy: My parents are coming tomorrow and I figured it was time to upgrade…in case we wanted to watch movies or something.

So that’s why his dad called. If I didn’t bring up the TV, I wonder if he ever would have told me about the visit. I’m not in the mood to argue, so I let it go…

Alida: *sigh* I’m going to bed!

Q stays up long enough to finish eating but eventually follows me to our bedroom.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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