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Banks Dynasty – Day 56 (Part 2)

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Quincy Sr. follows Q into the park clubhouse. They both sit down at the small bar and Quincy Sr. gets straight to the point…

Quincy Sr.: What’s going on between you and that wife of yours?

Quincy Jr.: What makes you think something is going on?

Quincy Sr.: Son…don’t play with me. I’ve been married over 30 years…I know what a marital spat looks like. It’s all over Alida’s face and you can barely look at her! There’s definitely something going on…am I right?

Quincy Jr.: Yes sir…

Before revealing more…Q Jr. gets up and walks over to the foosball table.

Quincy Jr.: Wanna play?

Q Sr. joins him…

Quincy Sr.: Sure…

Q Jr. decides to open up to his dad about why he’s upset…he can actually use some input.

Quincy Jr.: Alida up and decided to take this diet drink. I mean…you’ve seen her. She doesn’t even look like herself…

Quincy Sr.: So you’re going to throw your marriage away because your wife lost some weight?

Quincy Jr.: No…it’s not that she lost weight…it’s the way she did it.

Quincy Sr.: What did we talk about? …Before you got married? I warned you about quitting on your marriage and you said…and I quote, ‘Alida is all the woman I’ll ever need.’ Did you not?

Quincy Jr.:*setting up next game* I did…and I meant it. I still do, but I didn’t think she’d go and take a potentially dangerous diet drink.

Quincy Sr.: And I’m sure she didn’t think you’d react like a little whiny b&tch!

Quincy Jr.: Dang pop…is it like that?

Quincy Sr.: Did I lie? So she used a diet drink…so the hell what! Son…you need to get your shit together or you’re going to destroy a whole relationship over nothing!

Q Jr. realizes that his dad is probably right. He needs to make up with his wife as soon as possible. He and Q Sr. continue their game…

Sophia, Duane, Alice and I decide to join the two Q’s in the clubhouse to play a game of Don’t Wake the Llama. Q Jr. and Sr. seem to be having a heavy discussion as they play. I wonder if Q Jr. has told him about our argument.

As evening approaches…we all decide it’s time to leave. Q’s parents will be staying with Sophia and Duane at their old house in Strangerville. We hope to see them again before they leave. Q Jr. and his dad hug and we head home.

The sun is down by the time we make it back home. Peri hurries to the back door because it’s closer to her bedroom, while Q and I head up the stairs. Q surprises me once we get inside…

Quincy: Ma…can we talk?

My first thought is that Q has thought up some new ammunition to use against me. But when he walks over…I can see that his eyes are soft and kind, a sharp contrast from what they were like earlier.

He takes my hands like he did right before he proposed to me in Sulani…

Quincy: I don’t wanna fight anymore…

I’m relieved…

Alida: Me either.

Alida & Quincy: *together* I’m sorry…

Quincy: *chuckles* Can I go first?

I nod…

Quincy: *kisses my hands* I’ve been acting like an ass, or a ‘little whiny b%tch’ according to my pops…and you don’t deserve that. I’m so sorry about going off on you the way I did. I love you and I want you to know that I’ll always love you…every part of you – no matter what. You are my everything!

Q’s words make me forget everything I wanted to say. It sounds like a proposal all over again. I pull him close and whisper in his ear…

Alida: I love you too!

Making up feels amazing! Now we can get back to being productive in our jobs and as parents to Peri. Q decides to use Peri as his model in his latest photoshoot. The pictures come out amazing and are sure to make his client happy.

I go into the office to work on my latest video game until a better idea comes to me.  Last night, Michelle told me to give Q something to look at that he ‘can’t resist’. Now’s the time. I sneak past him, while he’s still in his studio, and go upstairs to prepare a little surprise for him.

Q gets an eyeful when he finally enters the bedroom to prepare for bed. The first thing he sees is me dressed in the sexiest underwear that I own. I sort of feel silly as I try out a sexy pose in front of him…but I don’t think he noticed my awkwardness. He can’t take his eyes off of me.

Q pulls me into his arms immediately…

Quincy: Let’s not fight again…unless we can make up again like this!

He undresses and pulls me along with him as he lowers himself down on our bed.

The makeup woohoo is amazing! We take our time, regretting the precious moments we wasted being mad at each other.

Meanwhile, at Studio PBP Hotel & Lounge…

Michelle didn’t win a Starlight Accolade, but another one of dreams is coming true…

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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