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Banks Dynasty – Day 57 (Part 1)

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After sleeping a few hours, I wake up feeling slightly nauseous and incredibly hungry. Maybe using that diet drink wasn’t such a good idea after all. I take a quick shower and go into the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast.

Bacon and toast are easy enough for me to manage, so that’s what I make. Q wakes up in a great mood after receiving his royalty check. He’s making upwards of 800 simoleons a day on his beats now. (I gave up on trying to come up with unique names for his tracks a long time ago…lol)

As he joins me at the table…another wave of nausea hits me. I do my best to hide it from him. We’ve finally made up again…the last thing I need is for him to find out that his fear of me getting sick from consuming the diet drink has come true.

Peri runs up the stairs all dressed and ready to start her day. She grabs a plate just as I receive a call on my cell phone. It’s Michelle…

Michelle and I chat briefly, then we end the call. Always the queen of bringing people together, Michelle has decided to spend her day off hanging out with her “nieces”. She’s made plans to pick up Peri and introduce her to Claudia’s daughter and Darwin’s little sister. They’ll spend the day at the Oasis Springs Science Adventure Center.

Alida: *To Peri* That was your auntie Michelle. She wants to come and pick you up and spend some time with you.

Peri hasn’t really gotten to know Michelle yet, so she doesn’t seem very excited.

Prosperity: Michelle is a famous actress, right?

Alida: Yes and she’s bringing two other little girls along with you; Maria, the daughter of my foster sister Claudia and Mandy, the sister of my foster brother Darwin.

Prosperity: Oh…okay.

Meeting two little girls piques Peri’s curiosity.

I go downstairs to work on my latest freelance job…and secretly look up some of the side-effects of Insta-lean, while Peri waits upstairs for Michelle to arrive. Michelle comes and knocks on the door about 30 minutes later. Peri answers it.

Michelle: Hi Peri! Are you ready for a fun day out at the science center?

Prosperity: I think so…

Peri’s not exactly shy, but being alone with people that she doesn’t know combined with the gray cloudy day…makes her feel a little murky inside. She’s introduced to Maria (in the hat) and Mandy but doesn’t begin to feel better until Michelle compliments her on her umbrella and colorful outfit.

Michelle: You must love bright colors as much as I do.

Prosperity: I do! They’re the best things ever.

Michelle: I agree completely.

Inside the science center, the girls head straight for the arcade.

Michelle: We can play for as long as you want to…Auntie Michelle’s treat!

The girls are thrilled to hear that.

Michelle really hoped that she’d get to spend a quiet day with her nieces, but it doesn’t take long before someone reveals that they’ve spotted Michelle Blu at the science center. Within minutes, fans and paparazzi begin to swarm.

Fan: Michelle Blu! I’m such a big fan. You’re the first trans actress to have been nominated for a Starlight Accolade! You really should have won, but congrats on your engagement.

Michelle: Thanks…I appreciate that.

Fan: I’ve followed your career from the beginning. You’re such an inspiration.

Michelle gives the fan a few more minutes of her time before she politely breaks away and sits down to play “Don’t Wake the Llama” with the girls.

Maria: Are we famous now too, Auntie Michelle?

Michelle: That’s not exactly the way it works, but you just might see a picture of yourself in a newspaper or on a blog tomorrow.

Michelle and the girls manage to get through one round with very little distraction.

…But it’s not long until more paparazzi show up and begin to shout and snap pictures.

Paparazzi #1: Michelle! Over here! Tell us about your engagement.

Paparazzi #2: How do you feel about not winning the Starlight Accolade last night?

Michelle and the girls find it very hard to concentrate on their game.

Michelle: Maybe we should go somewhere else…

Maria: I don’t think I want to be famous.

Prosperity: Me either!

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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