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Banks Dynasty – Day 57 (Part 2)

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Michelle takes the girls to Zee’s Bakes N’ Treats, which is celebrating a grand re-opening (with ugly Spooky Day décor) after undergoing a renovation. After being seated…

Michelle: You can order whatever you want from the menu.

Prosperity: Ohhh…I want pizza! And a root beer float!

Maria: I want a root beer float too.

Mandy: Me too!

Maria: You’re supposed to say ‘me three’.

Mandy: Me three! Can I have grilled cheese, Auntie Michelle? I only like grilled cheese.

Michelle: Like I said…whatever you want.

(Long time followers of my blog may recall that Zee’s was once owned by my sim Zena from generation 3 of the Wallace Family. It was purchased for her as a wedding gift by her husband Anton…their picture is still on the wall after all of this time. I loved that generation so much!)

Everyone decides what they want and the waitress comes over to take their order. None of the girls has been to a restaurant before, so Michelle has to coach them on how to be polite and say please and thank you to the waitress as they order.

After the waitress has left…

Prosperity: What do we do now?

Michelle: We wait for our waitress to bring our food.

Prosperity: Why can’t we just go get our food ourselves like we do at home?

Michelle: Some places you can. That would be a buffet… but here they serve you.

Maria: Like a slave?

Michelle: No…not like a slave. They serve you and you pay them in what’s called a tip.

Mandy:*complains* But they’re taking too long! I’m starving!

Michelle: She’ll be back with our food as soon as it’s been cooked.

Maria: Oh! Here she comes now.

The girls are happy once their food is in front of them.

Michelle watches happily as the girls chat between bites of food. After everyone has finished, Michelle shows the girls how to tip and tells them that it’s time to go. Claudia and Darwin will be picking Maria and Mandy up, but Michelle will be dropping Peri off at home.

Prosperity: Can we hang out with you every Sunday? This is fun!

Michelle: We’ll hang out as much as possible. It’s fun for me too.

Michelle and Peri enter the house. I greet them and hug Michelle right away.

Michelle: Guess what…Tamati and I got engaged last night.

Alida: Oh wow! I’m so happy for you both.

Michelle was such a huge part of my wedding day that I want to be there for hers, but she has other plans.

Michelle: We’re not having a big wedding. We’ve both had enough of the spotlight. He proposed at the awards ceremony and it turned into a big media circus. We’re thinking of just quietly eloping.

Alida: I really don’t blame you, but let me know if there’s anything we can do to help you both celebrate.

Michelle: We’re in the process of buying a house in the hills of Strangerville. Once we get everything moved in and decorated…we’ll throw a dinner party. You can celebrate with us then.

Alida: We’ll be there!

Michelle: *gets up to leave* I’d better go.

Alida: Thank you for hanging out with Peri.

Michelle: My absolute pleasure. How are things with you and Q…did you kiss and makeup yet?

Alida: *slight blush* Well…we did a lot more than that, but things are good. Better than ever!

It’s only a small lie. Things are better than ever for now, but I’m not so sure how it’ll be if I really am suffering from symptoms of the diet drink.

Michelle gives me another big hug…

Michelle: Good…I’m so glad. You two are made for each other. It’s like the earth is off balance when you’re not getting along.

Michelle slips on her coat and heads out the door. I go downstairs to make sure Peri gets ready for bed. Another wave of nausea hits me as I enter her bedroom. I pause for a moment and wait for it to pass…

Alida: Go brush teeth and put on your pajamas.

Prosperity: Okay mommy.

Slightly panicked, I sit on her bed and wait for her return as the Insta-lean adverse side effect symptoms that I read online on SimMD run through my head. Fatigue was listed…which I’ve definitely felt all day. I also read that it can cause different reactions within the body. Nausea wasn’t listed specifically, but that has to be what that means. Another symptom is food cravings and increased appetite. I can check both of those on the list. The biggest concern with the drink is what it can do to your heart. Thinking about that makes me the most afraid. What if I’ve actually done some permanent damage to myself?

Peri re-enters the room and immediately picks up that I’m not my normal self.

Prosperity: You okay mommy?

I pull her into a hug in an attempt to reassure her and myself…

Alida: I’m fine! I’m just a little tired.

She seems convinced, but I’m not.

Peri crawls up under the covers. I lean down to tuck her in and kiss her softly on the forehead before I turn to leave her bedroom. If I don’t feel any better tomorrow…it’ll be time to tell Q.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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