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Banks Dynasty – Day 58 (Part 1)

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I wake up feeling worse than I did the night before. My stomach is a churning, rumbling mess. I’m hungry, but I also feel the need to throw up. I’m going to have to tell Q.

I open up the refrigerator and check out what’s there. I pull out the left-over potstickers, but as soon as I take a bite…I feel incredibly sick. How can I be hungry and disgusted by the scent of food at the same time?

Maybe a workout will help? I head downstairs and jump on the treadmill. Moments later Peri comes out of her bedroom.

Prosperity: Good morning mommy!

I’m focused but I manage a small greeting.

Alida: Morning…

I run until I’ve completed a mile and find that it helped a little…or at least it kept my mind off of my stomach for a bit. I go to the office to put the finishing touches on my latest freelance job.

Peri finishes up her breakfast, then comes downstairs looking for me.

Prosperity: *to Q* Do you know where mommy is?

Quincy: I think she’s in the office working.

Prosperity: Thanks, daddy…

Peri comes into the office and finds me there.

Prosperity: Are you still feeling tired?

I guess my words last night didn’t reassure her as much as I thought they did.

Alida: A little, but I’m better. You don’t have to worry about me…you know that, right?

Prosperity: I know, but you look different.

I stop typing immediately wondering if Peri has finally noticed all the weight I’ve lost. She’s never mentioned anything about me looking different until now.

Alida: Different how?

Prosperity: I don’t know…just different.

Alida: Well…I promise that I’ll be fine. Your bus will be here any minute and I want you to have a good day, okay?

Prosperity: Okay…see you later mommy!

Peri turns and leaves the room.

I finish up my job and receive my pay a while after Peri has left. I’m happy about finishing the job…but not too happy about what I have to do next. I shut down my computer and head upstairs to find Q.

He’s sitting at the counter finishing up a job of his own. I hate to interrupt him, but he stops typing as soon as I sit down next to him.

Alida: Q…I need to tell you something.

Quincy: *concerned* What’s up ma?

Alida: I…I’ve been feeling sick lately. I feel like I want to throw up and I’m tired all the time. I think you might have been right about the diet drink. I looked up some of the side effects on SimMD and it fits. I’m thinking I should go make sure that it didn’t do any permanent damage…you know?

Quincy: How long have you been feeling like this?

Alida: It started yesterday, but it’s much worse today.

Quincy: *pauses to think* But…aren’t those symptoms of pregnancy too?

Alida: Pregnant? I don’t know…I felt sick when I was pregnant with Peri, but it wasn’t this bad.

Quincy: Maybe you should take a pregnancy test and rule that out first.

I don’t know why it never dawned on me that I may be pregnant. I mean…it’s not something that we planned or even talked about…but we didn’t plan Peri either. Pregnancy is very possible.

Alida: Oh my g – Q…we haven’t even talked about another baby. Is our house even big enough?

Quincy: Anything is better than you being sick from the Insta-Lean, right? We’ll figure the rest out. Just go take a test and see.

I get up on shaky, unsure legs and go towards the bathroom. Pregnancy? Could Q and I have made another baby? I never thought I’d ever want to be the mother of one child…and now I might be the mother of two. I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me.

After taking the pregnancy test, jumping in the shower and dressing for the day…I reenter the front room. I feel bad about keeping Q waiting so long, but I needed time to process.

Q perks up when he sees me…

Quincy: Well?

Alida: You were right…I’m pregnant!

Quincy: *repeats after me* I was right?

Alida: Very right…

I walk over to the couch and Q joins me.

Alida: Are we ready for another child?

Quincy: I’m ready for anything, as long as you’re involved. Didn’t I tell you that years ago?

I lean over and give him a kiss…

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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