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Banks Dynasty – Day 58 (Part 2)

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Michelle’s gift to me…the money tree, has been slightly neglected since I received it. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it…it’s just that I’d been preoccupied with the whole Insta-lean fiasco. I go out and weed it…still wondering how it works. Before too long, the baby decides that it’s time for me to go inside. I feel so bad that I have no choice but to comply.

A quick snack and a nap are all I have energy for, so I eat some applesauce and go to bed.

Peri arrives home and goes straight out back to her block table for some creative play. It seems she doesn’t get enough of it at school.

I wake up from my nap just as Q receives a call from his sister inviting us out to the Humor and Hijinx festival in San Myshuno. I’m still a bit tired, but I agree to go.

Sophia, her husband Duane, Q, Peri and I decide to go team prankster. We drink special tea and look for prank victims. I stop by the swag booth and grab a few things to help Peri celebrate.

Sophia is Q’s first victim…and that doesn’t make her very happy.

Quincy: Want to hear the special Humor and Hijinx song?

Sophia: There’s a song?

Quincy: Yep…it goes like this – *loud fart*

Sophia: Ugh…you’re not supposed to prank me – we’re on the same side!

Quincy: Not true…we’re all fair game!

Sophia: That’s okay…I’ll pay you back before the night is over.

Quincy: You can try.

While Q and Sophia are busy arguing over who can trick who…I give Peri the festival bubbles and sparklers that I purchased for her.

Peri happily plays with the sparkler until it dies out…then she pulls out the bubbles. I’m just happy to see that she doesn’t depend on bubble blowing the way I do at times.

Peri complains about being hungry, so I give her money to buy food. She picks what she thinks are hotdogs, but quickly finds out that the sausages that she actually chose are a whole lot spicier than anything she’s ever had.

I learn from Peri’s mistake and pick something to eat that’s a lot milder…a Vietnamese spring roll, but it still doesn’t agree with me.

Prosperity: Are you okay mommy?

Alida: I’ll be fine…my stomach just feels a bit queasy.

It’ll be time to tell Peri about the baby soon. But I’m not quite ready to at the moment.

I’m practically asleep on my feet by the time the festival finally ends, but our side won. We collect our prizes, watch the fireworks, then head home.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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