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Banks Dynasty – Day 59 (Part 1)

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It’s Peri’s birthday. Since Q is a much better cook than I am, he takes on the task of baking her a cake. I’m starting to feel the effects of the baby’s weight on my back anyway. The last thing I want to do is stand around trying to bake something. Peri joins us in the kitchen after she dresses for the day.

Quincy: You’re aging up, so you don’t have to go to school today. You’ll be starting high school tomorrow.

I think Peri is glad to hear that.

Peri blows out her candles and ages up to a teen. It’s definitely time to tell her about the pregnancy now.

(Prosperity’s Aspiration: Serial Romantic/Alluring Traits: Perfectionist and Child of the Island)

Alida: So Peri…your dad and I have something to tell you. I sure it’s a bit obvious now, but – we’re having another baby. I’m pregnant!

Peri just stares at me for a bit before responding…

Prosperity: Oh…you’re serious. I was waiting for the punchline.

Alida: Yes…I’m serious. You’re gonna be a big sister.

Prosperity: But…why? I was perfectly happy being the only child.

Alida: But you’ll have a little person around who looks up to you. You can teach him or her things. Doesn’t that excite you?

Prosperity: Not really, but it is what it is. What’s for breakfast?

I expected Peri’s reaction to be a bit different, but she is my daughter…so I probably shouldn’t have expected too much more than that. We all grab breakfast and sit down to eat.

Peri’s already been spoiled with gifts. Q’s parents sent her a laptop and we added a TV and stereo to her bedroom. Her aunt Sophia and uncle Duane bought her a gaming console. It’ll probably keep her in her bedroom all the time now. At least we know that she’ll have to leave the bedroom to eat.

I’ve decided not to take another freelance job until after the baby is born, so I occupy my time with decorating the house for Winterfest instead. Since Peri doesn’t seem too excited about the baby…I figure we could use some holiday spirit around here.

As I’m sitting down watching TV, I get a call from Michelle who wants to come over and give Peri her birthday gift. She arrives moments later and gasps when she sees my big belly. It’s pretty much the same reaction she had when she discovered I was pregnant with Peri.

Michelle: So…when you say that you and Q made up – it seems you really made up!

Alida: Yeah…I guess so. This one definitely wasn’t planned.

Michelle: May I? *indicates that she’d like to feel my belly*

Alida: Of course! *sticks belly out* Things are a bit still in there now, but I’m sure there’ll be a whole lot of movement soon.

Michelle: I’m so excited for you all. I have some news of my own!

Alida: What’s up?

Michelle: Tamati and I got married in city hall yesterday…but we started the adoption process as soon as he proposed. We’re having a baby too…any day now!

Thrilled, I give Michelle a big hug.

Alida: Our babies will grow up together!

Michelle: I know…that makes it even more exciting.

After our hug…I call Peri and head towards the couch to sit down as Peri makes her way up the stairs.

Prosperity: Yes mommy…

Alida: Auntie Michelle is here to see you. She has something for you!

Michelle: I’ve already missed a couple of birthdays…I wasn’t about to miss this one!

Michelle gives Peri an expensive colorful Moschino dress. Peri falls in love with it immediately.

Prosperity: OMG…it’s beautiful. I’ll wear it to school Thursday. Thank you, Auntie Michelle!

Peri awards Michelle with a hug.

Michelle is glad Peri loves the dress…

Michelle: Hopefully it won’t be too on Thursday.

Prosperity: I’ll happily freeze to death…it’ll be worth it just to flex on people.

Alida: Peri!

Prosperity: I’m just kidding mommy.

I don’t believe that Peri is kidding at all, but I can’t be mad at her. Growing up, we were so poor that I would have killed to have a chance to show off something I owned.

Michelle and Peri sit down and Peri fills Michelle in on what she’d like to do for her birthday…

Prosperity: I was hoping to invite Maria and Mandy and go to the Skate Factory later today.

Alida: That can be arranged…we’ll invite your aunt Sophia and uncle Duane too, so you can properly thank them for their gift.

I’m sure Peri wanted her party to be just kids, but if she wants us to pay for it all…she’s going to have to deal with us and some of the family attending too.

Q joins us upstairs after taking another freelance photography job.

Quincy: Michelle! Just the person I wanted to see. How would you like to be the face of a new fashion campaign? My client would love to have you represent them.

Michelle: Who’s the client?

Quincy fills Michelle in one some of the details. The more he talks…the more excited she becomes. She agrees to be his model.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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