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Banks Dynasty – Day 59 (Part 2)

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Q and Michelle head to the photography studio and get to work. Q snaps a few shots, then shows Michelle some of the clients’ past campaigns. He’s sure that this will be their best one yet.


We all arrive at the Skate Factory later in the day. Sophia, Michelle, and even mama attends. Ideally, the younger folks – Peri, Mandy, and Maria would sit together at a table up front, but…

…for some reason, Maria decides to sit at the table with us grown folks. I guess she’s just starstruck from being around Michelle. I catch up with mama…

Alida: So how are things going for you?

Lea: Good…I can’t complain. My job is going well. I’m even being looked at for a promotion.

I can’t begin to express how proud I am of mama. She’s come a long way!

Peri scribbles on her placemat and occupies herself by taking selfies on her phone until the food arrives. She doesn’t seem to mind that Maria has basically abandoned her and Mandy.

Maria later makes up for it by joining Peri on the skating rink. Neither one of them are very good at skating, but they manage to hold their own.

Out of us adults, Michelle is the only one brave enough to put on skates and join the kids. The rest of us chat at the table, then migrate over to the card table to occupy ourselves in less dangerous ways. Q and I learned our lesson about putting on skates years ago…

Overall, Peri’s party went well. We finish up the celebrations with some selfies that Peri proudly displays on her bedroom wall before bed.

Meanwhile, in Strangerville…

Tamati: *as Michelle walks in the door* It’s happening babe!

Michelle: What…what’s happening?

Tamati: The adoption…it’s gone through. We can bring our daughter home tonight!

Tamati pulls Michelle into his arms. After the hug, and maybe a tear or two…

Michelle: Our daughter…a little girl?

Tamati: Yeah…can you believe it?

Michelle completes the adoption process online, while Tamati finishes decorating the house for Winterfest. They want the house to be as cozy as possible for their new addition, who’s scheduled to arrive within hours.

When she arrives…Michelle greets her with her new name – Veronica Blu.

Veronica continues to reach out for Michelle after the hug. Tamati comes over and pulls the little girl into his arms.

Tamati: Hey there, sweet angel. I’m your daddy.

Michelle: *in tears* I’ve waited so long for you! We love you so much!

Michelle and Tamati heads towards the house with their new little girl.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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