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Banks Dynasty – Day 61 (Part 3)

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It’s that brownish/orangey/yellow kind of day for Peri. Her first day of high school did not go as smoothly as she had hoped it would. First, she finds out that she doesn’t have any of her friends from elementary school in any of her classes. Then, she accidentally spilled something on her dress at lunchtime. And during her last class…she finds out that the boy she has a crush on might actually have a girlfriend. But even worse …she walks into the house, and the new baby is getting all the attention. Peri just wants someone to ask about her day so she can vent.

Peri heads down to her bedroom and turns on her computer. Blowing up cities in Simscuffle proves to be a great way to improve her mood.

Just as she’s gone full in on her game, Q walks in to do exactly what she needed someone to do earlier…ask her about her day.

Quincy: So, how was school?

Peri’s not really interested in talking about it now.

Prosperity: It was a typical school day.

Quincy: There’s nothing typical about starting your first day of high school. *sits down on a stack of pillows on the floor* I want details!

Prosperity: I’m a bit busy right now, daddy. Can we talk about it later?

Quincy: I have a better idea…turn off that game and go for a bike ride with me and we can talk about it now, please.

That’s the last thing Peri’s interested in doing. She’d much rather play her game without further interruption. She tries to come up with an excuse that he’ll accept.

Prosperity: But…I have homework.

Quincy: Then why aren’t you doing it?

Peri receives a text from one of her friends. She picks up her phone and glances at it before she has a chance to answer.

Quincy: Peri! I asked you a question.

Prosperity: Oh sorry, daddy…one of my friends just texted me.

Quincy: If you have time to text and play video games…then you have time to go on a bike ride with me. It’s either that or homework…

Peri sends a reply to her friend and puts her phone away before standing up.

Prosperity: You’re right! My friends want me to meet them at the library. I’ll do my homework there.

Quincy: Are you telling me or asking me?

Prosperity:*deep sigh* Can I go to the library and study with my friends?

Q doesn’t see an issue with that.

Quincy: Yeah, sure – but be back before 9!

Prosperity: See you later, daddy.

Quincy: See you later…and be careful!

Prosperity: Careful? But the library is just up the block!

Quincy: Doesn’t matter – be careful anyway. Go straight there and back!

Prosperity: Okay *leaves the room*

Peri walks up the block to the Del Sol library and meets up with her friends Farrah Landgraab and twins Rocio (in glasses) and Miracle Beasley (yes…that Beasley). They all just stand and stare at her when she actually sits down and begins doing her homework…

Farrah: Wait…so she’s actually here to study?

Rocio: I guess so…I might as well get my stuff done too.

Rocio takes Peri’s lead, pulls out her books, and sits down to complete her homework. Farrah and Miracle didn’t even bring their books. Miracle occupies herself with selfies, while Farrah pulls out food and begins to eat.

Rocio: You’re not supposed to eat in here!

Farrah: My parents are the reason this place still exists. I can do what I want, and nobody will say shit.

After Peri and Rocio have completed their work…the girls go outside to where eating is actually allowed. Peri enjoys her time with her friends without paying any attention to the time.

Meanwhile, at home…Q is acutely aware of the time and the fact that he told Peri to be home by 9.

He gets up to check on Merit while anxiously listening for Peri’s keys in the door.  He lifts his son out of the crib and kisses him softly on the head.

Quincy: Stay little like this for as long as you can…and don’t grow up to be hardheaded like your big sister.

Ten minutes later…Peri arrives home and enters the house.

Quincy: You’re late!

Prosperity: Late?

Q puts Merit back in the bassinet and walks over to Peri.

Quincy: Yes…I told you to be home by 9.

Prosperity: I thought you were just playing about that.

Quincy: Does it look like I’m just playing?

Quincy:*continues* Next time you think I might be playing – go ahead and assume that I’m not. Got it?

Prosperity: Okay, daddy. I’m so sorry…we were studying then we went out back to eat. I can show you my work if you don’t believe me.

Q softens up a bit.

Quincy: I believe you, but even if you are working…I need you back early on school nights. 

Prosperity: It won’t happen again…I promise.

Peri hurries away towards the stairs while she’s still ahead.

Peri changes to her pajamas and ends her night with a few selfies and some texts to her friends.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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