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Banks Dynasty – Day 62 (Part 1)

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Peri wants something different for breakfast this morning, so she gives cooking a shot. Her eggs and toast come out perfect…she might be a natural.

Q enters the kitchen while she eats.

Quincy: Good morning, Peri. It smells good in here. Did you cook?

Prosperity: Yeah…just some eggs and toast for myself. *proud* They’re good too!

Quincy: Nice! I didn’t cook anything for myself until I was grown and on my own. You’re already ahead of the game.

Peri walks over to Merit’s bassinet and peeks inside. She’s greeted by a big smile.

Prosperity: Oh, my goodness! You actually smiled at me. You’re kind of cute when you’re not smelly…or crying.

Peri walks out the door for school feeling just a little bit better about having a little brother.

I’m up a few hours later. After a quick breakfast…it’s time for me to get back to work, so I get Q to bring Merit down to the office so I can keep an eye on him while I take on another freelance programming job. It’s a quick, easy one, so juggling it and the baby shouldn’t be a problem.

Q is also back to work. He takes on another photography opportunity, which involves a goofy pose in a party outfit. His model is a little girl this time. After the shoot…

Quincy: Thank you for your time, little Miss Perla…you did a fantastic job!

Perla: So did you!

Perla leaves, and Q looks over the photos that he took to find the perfect one for the job.

It seems I spoke too soon! Working and taking care of Merit is harder than I thought it would be. Q and I take turns caring for him while attempting to get our work done. Luckily, we make a great team!

Q completes a beat that just might be his best yet. I take a break from programming and dance along to it. Q joins me.

Afterschool, Peri walks in on our little impromptu dance party…

Prosperity: Ew, gross…old people dancing!

Alida: That’s okay…you won’t always be young…

Quincy: …and we’re definitely not that old!

Prosperity: I was just kidding!

I walk over and give Peri a big hug.

Alida: I’m so sorry for being so tired and caught up with the baby.

Prosperity: It’s okay, mommy.

Alida: *after the hug* Did you have a good day at school?

Peri sits down before responding…

Prosperity: It was okay. I had a pretty hard test in math. I studied for it, but I still struggled.

Alida: I’m sure you did just fine, but let us know if you need some extra help. Math wasn’t my best subject, but we’ll find someone that can help.

Prosperity: Thanks. Uh…Gran-Lea texted me while I was on the bus and invited me over to swim today. Can I go?

I’m still a little angry at mama for spending such a short time with us during Winterfest, but that has nothing to do with her relationship with Peri.

Alida: Uh…yeah. Sure

Quincy: *walks over* Be home by 9!

Prosperity: But…it’s not a school night. Why 9?

Quincy: Because you just aged up and you don’t need to be running up and down the street all times a night.

Alida: Your dad is right.

Prosperity: Okay…see you later.

Peri leaves the house and grabs my bike to ride to mama’s house.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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