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Banks Dynasty – Day 62 (Part 2)

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Peri is heading towards Gran-Lea’s house when she spots Byron, the boy she has a crush on heading into one of the townhouses up the street. She can’t see his face, but she knows it’s him because he’s wearing the same thing he wore to school today. Does he live here? She needs to find out.

Peri turns her bike around and heads towards the back of the building, hoping that she can peek in one of the windows to make sure he lives there. She quickly ducks down when she spots him sitting out back, eating something out of a bowl. Disgusted with herself and feeling like a stalker, she keeps her head low and returns to the front of the building. His door would be the 2nd door from the end. She could easily knock on the door and introduce herself, but she’s terrified to make such a bold move. 

Peri turns and heads towards her Gran-Lea’s house instead. Lea comes out of the house and greets Peri with a hug, then steps back and notices the grim expression on her face.

Lea: You okay?

Prosperity:*brief pause* Yeah…I’m fine.

Lea isn’t convinced.

Peri changes into her swimwear but doesn’t go to the pool right away. She walks over to Gran-Lea’s lounge chairs instead. Lea follows her…

Lea:*sits in the other chair* C’mon Peri…I know there’s something wrong. What’s up?

Prosperity:*hesitant pause* I just found out that this boy I like lives right down the street from me and I was too scared to talk to him.

Lea: Why were you scared?

Prosperity: I don’t know, but it didn’t help that I was riding a bike with a helmet on like a five-year-old.

Lea: You’re a gorgeous girl. I’m sure the helmet wouldn’t have been what he noticed.

Prosperity: What do you mean?

Lea: Nothing…listen – you don’t have to approach him. Make him approach you!

Prosperity: How do I do that?

Lea: He goes to your school, right?

Prosperity: Yeah

Lea: Next to you see him, look him in the eye, and just smile at him. That’ll get his attention guaranteed.

Prosperity: Then what?

Lea: That’s it…that’s the bait. That’s enough to let him know that you’re interested. You see…as a woman, you possess a certain power. You can draw men to you. You don’t have to go around chasing after them. Just be approachable and let them do the rest.

Peri thinks about it a minute, then stands up…dismissive of her grandmother’s advice.

Prosperity: Sorry Gran-Lea, but I don’t think that’s how things are done now. It’s a different time. I’m getting in the pool. *walks away*

Lea: Maybe, but why not give it a try?

Peri shrugs it off dismissively.

But her grandmother’s words still stick with her. Is a smile enough to get the guy of her dreams? Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Peri floats for a while, which helps to ease her anxiety a bit. As it begins to get dark…she decides to head home to avoid missing curfew again.

Peri says goodbye to Gran-Lea, then hops on her bike. She passes Byron’s house quickly…not quite ready to test her grandmother’s theory. She’ll save that for another time.

Peri enters the house through the door downstairs only to run into her father, who happens to be on the treadmill.

Quincy: Did you enjoy your swim?

Prosperity: It was okay…

Peri hurries into her room to avoid any further questions. Although she doesn’t have school tomorrow…she decides to quickly finish her homework before bed.

I finish up a quick and easy job…happy that Merit remained quiet long enough to give me time to finish it. My pay is transferred to my bank account…bringing me much closer to my financial aspiration.

However, my biggest payday comes from the money tree that Michelle gave me for my birthday. She told me that it was unusual, but I never imagined that the fruit from it would be worth § 8,000! From now on, I’ll make sure to take special care of it. It might also be a great time to invest in a fence for our backyard to keep thieves away from my prized tree.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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