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Banks Dynasty – Day 63 (Part 1)

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Realizing that we’ve been up all night and it’s technically the next day…we decide it’s time to age Merit up. Merit becomes a toddler with the Angelic Aspiration. Q takes some time to help him take his first steps.

Quincy: Okay big guy…it’s time for bed.

Q picks Merit up and takes him to his bed. Merit gets into his bed without a fuss. Q kisses him gently on the forehead, and we go upstairs to get some much-needed sleep.

It’s almost the new year, which is the perfect time for things to change right? Peri hopes so. And she hopes it starts with her figuring out how to capture Byron’s attention. That would make it an incredible new year. But how should she go about doing that?

To distract herself, Peri decides to try cooking breakfast again…this time for everyone. It starts out fine but goes downhill quickly…starting with her eggs somehow catching on fire.

Peri uses the spatula to smother the fire, which results in the eggs landing on the ground. She picks them up quickly and places them back in the skillet…

Prosperity:*out loud to herself* Heat kills germs, right? What they don’t know won’t hurt them.

Either way, she’s not about to start over.

Peri is out on the patio painting by the time Q and I get up to eat. We’re both surprised to see that she cooked us all breakfast. Q eats his first…

Alida: So how is it? Is it safe to eat?

Quincy: It’s good…I thought I saw a piece of dust in my eggs, but I’m guessing it was just seasoning. Peri’s a pretty good cook!

Alida: She definitely didn’t get that from me!

Merit is awake, so Q goes downstairs to get a start on potty training him. I’m guessing that it went well. There’s no way Merit is as stubborn as Peri was. She always insisted on trying to do everything herself.

Meanwhile, outside on the porch…

Peri attempts to complete a couple of figure drawings, but neither one of them turn out the way she hoped they would.

Prosperity: Maybe I need to pay closer attention in art class.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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