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Banks Dynasty – Day 63 (Part 2)

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We finally have a fence for the backyard. Now my money tree is better protected. I go out and weed the tree, then collect my money fruit. Q and Peri are just about to head out on bikes when I go out front to dump the trash.

Q and Peri ride until the sidewalk ends.

Prosperity:*catches up to Q* The only reason you’re beating me is because you had a head start!

Quincy: Oh really?  Okay…ready set go – race you to the end of the next block! *turns bike quickly and takes off*

Prosperity: Hey! Wait! That’s cheating! *turns bike around*

Q suddenly stops in front of the townhomes down the street.

Prosperity:*panicked* What are you doing? This isn’t the end of the block! Why did you stop here?

Quincy: Something’s wrong with the chain on my bike. Give me a minute.

Peri stares at Byron’s front door…praying that he doesn’t suddenly come out.

Prosperity: Hurry up, daddy! I need to get back home.

Q fixes his chain and hops back on the bike. They ride until they’re back in front of their own house.

Quincy: What was up with you back there?

Prosperity:*feigned innocence* Nothing…

Quincy: You looked like you’d seen a ghost.

Prosperity: Nope…no ghost. It’s all in your imagination.

Q lets it go and heads into the house. Peri puts her bike away and decides then and there what her New Year’s resolution will be. Before the end of the week…she vows that she and Byron will be together. She calls up her friend Miracle to ask for her help.

It’s time for Merit’s breakfast, so I grab him and put him in his highchair in front of a bowl of applesauce and some milk. Seeing how quickly he and Peri are growing up…I decide that I need to get a jumpstart on my aspiration. So I make that my New Year’s resolution. I’m determined to complete an aspirational milestone.

I grab Merit after he’s had a chance to eat and bring him downstairs with me. To help me reach my goals, I need to create something for myself. I’ve spent all these years building apps and games for other people. Now it’s time for me to work on my own…a legacy that I can leave behind. I open up my programming software and start work on my very own video game.

Peri’s friend Miracle decides that hooking Peri up with Byron should be a group effort, so she texts Farrah and Rocio, and they all link up in a chat room. Together they try to come up with a plan…

Q uploads his latest fashion photo to his Simstagram. His online recognition is now through the roof, and he’s actually considered a top tier fashion photographer. His New Year’s resolution is to increase his photography skills.

We’ve been invited to Michelle’s house for a New Year’s Eve party starting at 6. I get ready, then head down to get Merit dressed for the party. Peri walks in just as I’m finishing up…

Prosperity: Now see…that’s a cute kid!

Alida: Glad you approve…

Prosperity: Look at you being all sarcastic! I like it!

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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