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Banks Dynasty – Day 63 (Part 3)

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Meanwhile, in the Shady Acres section of Strangerville…Michelle, Tamati, and baby Veronica prepare to host their first party. The party serves several purposes; first, to celebrate Michelle and Tamati’s marriage, second, to introduce everyone to Veronica, and lastly, to celebrate the new year.

Q, Peri, Merit and I arrive at the party. Claudia and her family show up at the same time. The first thing we do is introduce the babies to each other. It’s the first time I’ve seen Veronica and Claudia’s new baby Izaiah. It’s also the first time everyone has met Merit. The babies seem pretty happy to see other people that are the same size as them.

Claudia and Maria toast the new year.

Maria: Happy New Year, mama!

Claudia: Happy New Year, dear one.

Prosperity: Hey, is that a real drink? I want one!

Claudia: No…it’s just cherry-flavored sparkling cider. I brought it for you kids and anyone else who doesn’t want to drink.

Meanwhile, Tamati pours the real drinks and takes them into the dining room.

We all begin to migrate to the dining room (but of course, no one sits down *grrr*). Peri grabs a real drink from the table, but after a few sips…decides it’s not for her. Everyone grabs some of Tamati’s deliciously prepared ham and begins to eat.

Veronica and Merit seem to be getting along very well.

Veronica: *to Merit* Go play?

Merit wants to play but doesn’t quite have the words to respond.

Meanwhile, Claudia and Michelle chat in the dining room.

Claudia: You know…I never quite understood why my brother always had it in for you.

Michelle: I know why – he’s just a bully.

Claudia: *saddened sigh* Yeah…I guess he is. He’s just been through so much.

Michelle: We all have, but the rest of us always got along just fine.

Claudia: Good point…I was so much older than the rest of you…and always doing my own thing, but I wish I had defended you more.

Michelle: It’s the past…nothing we can do about it now, but I appreciate the thought.

While the babies have their own little dance party in the living room, the rest of us begin to gather in front of the TV. Q excuses himself to check on the babies and make sure they’re staying out of trouble.

We all count down and shout, ‘Happy New Year!’. I give Peri a big hug.

Claudia and her husband, Theo, do the same. Michelle makes eye contact and lifts her glass…

Michelle: Let’s toast to only looking forward and stomping on the past!

Alida: I can definitely toast to that!

Michelle and I finally get a chance to talk one on one.

Alida: Your home is amazing and Veronica is a sweetheart.

Michelle: Thank you sis…we made it! We set out to do it and we actually did it! I couldn’t have done it without you!

Michelle and I share a big long hug.

Alida: We did…didn’t we? And correction…we couldn’t have done it without each other!

The last part of our celebration takes place outside, where we light up the night with fireworks. Michelle and I make promises to get together more often…especially now that we have babies that are around the same age. Then Q, Peri, Merit, and I head home to bed.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)


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