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Banks Dynasty – Day 64 (Part 1)

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Q and I are up at the same time on New Year’s Day. He receives a call on his cell as we are making up the bed.

Quincy: *looks down at cell* It’s my mom.

Q answers the call and I sit down on the bed next to him to listen in…

Quincy: *on the phone* Hey ma! What’s up?

From listening to Q’s side of the conversation…it sounds like his parents are on their way in town to pay us a visit. They’re anxious to meet Merit and spend time with Peri. Q ends the call and sits down next to me…

Quincy: They’ll be here around 6. You okay with that?

Alida: Of course, but I was thinking…maybe we should invite my mama so she can finally meet your parents.

Quincy: You sure about that? You know how my mom can be.

Alida: Mama can hold her own…believe me.

Quincy: That’s what I’m afraid of.

Alida: It’ll be fine…we’ll be there to referee the whole time.

Quincy: Okay…go ahead and invite her. We’ll do a bar-b-que out back.

Not only is it the first day of the new year, but it’s also the first day of spring…and it’s New Skill Day. I start the day out right by improving my fitness skills. I’m now up to level 7!

Quincy: *passing by* Looking good, ma!

I realize that this is the first time I’ve heard Q say that since I took the Insta-lean and lost all that weight. It feels good to hear it.

Meanwhile, downstairs…

Peri leaves the bathroom and sees Merit standing there.

Prosperity: Who let you out of your cage?

Merit:*holds hands out towards Peri* Up!

Prosperity: Up to what? Oooh…you want me to pick you up?

Merit: *reemphasizes* Up…up!

Peri leans down and lifts Merit into her arms.

Prosperity: No pooping or spitting up on me…okay. *looks into Merit’s cute little face* Okay, okay…I guess I won’t mind so much if you do. Let’s go upstairs and get some food.

Q and I shower, get dressed, and grab breakfast. Peri surprises us by coming upstairs, holding Merit.

Alida: I didn’t even know he was awake. Thanks for bringing him up!

Prosperity: No problem…he attacked me with his cuteness.

Alida: I knew he’d win you over eventually.

It warms my heart to see Peri and Merit interacting. He already seems to look up to her, and Peri is melting into the mold of being a big sister quite nicely. She’s even given him a little nickname that matches hers…

Prosperity: Don’t eat too fast, Meri…you might choke.

I get up to clean the dirty dishes, while Q finishes up his latest freelance job. Peri alternates between eating and taking selfies at the table…

Prosperity: See Meri…the key to taking the perfect selfie is to act like you’re not trying to. *snaps photo* That’s one for the gram!

I take Merit downstairs just as Q receives another call from his parents. Peri is excited to know they’re coming…well, her pop-pop anyway.

Prosperity: Pop-pop is on his way here! I have to get ready!

I take Merit downstairs and help him to the potty. He’s getting the hang of it very quickly.

Success! Merit is now potty trained. He’s very proud of himself. I’m proud of him too!

Q is in the office working on a new song. He’s now mastered his media production skill, which will equal big money for him from now on. I sit at my desk to continue work on my video game. I hope to be as successful as he is.

Merit stays in his bedroom and plays with his blocks until he’s bored. He looks for something more exciting to do in his toy box.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)

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