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Banks Dynasty – Day 64 (Part 2)

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Peri is also taking advantage of New Skill Day by exploring a new painting genre…Pop Art! The bright colors really suit her well. She reaches level 6 in her painting skills.

Meanwhile, my work comes to a halt when I get the blue screen of death on my computer. Oh well…it’s almost time for our parents to arrive anyway. I call up a repairman and leave it at that for now.

Q and I come up with a plan on how to introduce our parents to each other. I meet mama out front and greet her with a hug.

Alida: Guess what…you’ll be meeting Q’s parents today!

Lea: It’s about time! I was beginning to think you were ashamed of me or something.

Alida: It’s not you that I was worried about!

Meanwhile, Q has his parents meet him around back…

Alice:*hugging Q* It’s so good to see you!

Quincy Sr. greets Q, then goes off in search of his grandchildren. He spots Merit first.

Quincy Sr.: Look at you! Already so big and on the move. I’m your pop-pop!


Alice: Why do you have us meeting you out back like we’re the help?

Quincy Jr.: I’m barbequing ma! And it’s a nice day…I figured we’d all enjoy spending some time outside.

Quincy Sr. finds Peri out on the patio.

Quincy Sr.: There’s my favorite granddaughter…all grown up!

Prosperity:*extra excited* Pop-pop! I’m so happy you’re here!

Q Sr. and Peri greet each other with a big hug like always…

Q tells his mom that she’ll be meeting my mom today. As I bring mama to the backyard, I overhear Alice’s response…

Alice: So, what’s she like? You know I don’t do well with those Mirage Park hood types.

Quincy: What the hell, ma? Alida is from Mirage Park.

I stop in my tracks, praying that mama didn’t hear that. As soon as I turn around and see her face…I know that she has.

Lea: What did that b*&tch just say?

Alida: Maybe we heard wrong. She could have been talking about something else.

Lea: We heard exactly right, and I don’t want to meet anyone who would judge me before she even sees me.

While I try to talk my mom down…Q does the same with his mom.

Quincy: You’re going to have to leave if you keep saying stuff like that.

Alice: Here you are again…putting everyone else before your own mom. I was just asking a question. Don’t I have a right to prepare myself?

I step closer and greet Alice…hoping that it stops her from putting her foot further in her mouth before mama puts her fist in there.

Alida: Mama Alice! So good to see you again!

Alice: Oh hi, Alida…and this must be your mom –

Alida: Yes…this is my mom, Lea.

Instead of saying hello…mama walks by, still angered.

Lea: Yeah – from Mirage Park.

Alice: *shocked* Oh…you heard that.

Lea: I did…and you’re lucky that I’m not in the mood to show you what us hood types can do!

Mama enters the house leaving Alice standing there looking regretful and stupid.

Alice turns to me…

Alice: I’m so sorry, Alida. I didn’t mean for either of you to hear that.

Alida: Well, maybe you should keep that type of crap in your head where it belongs.

I grab the glass pitcher and begin to mix up my favorite citrus drink.

Alice: I was just –

I finish for her…

Alida: – being a b&*tch like always.

Alice opens her mouth and closes it. She thinks briefly before choosing her next words…

Alice: I deserve that. I’ll apologize to your mother.

Alida: I’m sure she’d appreciate that.

Mama finally comes back out of the house, accompanied by Quincy Sr., Merit, and Peri. She finally has a smile on her face. I’m sure Quincy Sr. had a lot to do with it being there.

Peri gives Mama a hug. Alice avoids eye contact. I guess she hasn’t quite worked up the nerve to apologize yet. She focuses on meeting Merit instead.

It doesn’t take her long to put her foot in her mouth again…

Alice: Look at my sweet grandbabies! You all must come and stay with us in Sulani again soon. We can spend the whole summer on the beach getting tanned up.

Mama must have taken offense to Alice’s words. I looked over at her just in time to see her stomp away around the house to the front. Then we all hear a big boom, which we can only assume is the garbage can being kicked.

(Generation 1a Chapter Summaries)



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